Recently I’ve decided to de-burocratise my sex life while I divert my emotional energies to organise other aspects of my life, so I started visiting professionals.

The pleasure of my partner is more important than mine (can I say it is my kink?) . I know it won’t be the same for a woman having sex with me for money, but I still try to talk to them, ask what they like, so the experience would be as nice as possible for them as well. And, no, I don’t pressure them to orgasm. I didn’t have this magic power before and won’t have it now.

I’m still in a curious phase. It’s interesting. But what caught my attention was when I asked her about what she liked in her personal life, she said she didn’t like having sex for free. She felt it “decreased her value”. Later on, during the act, I returned to the subject and started asking if the money represented extra effort the guy was putting into being with her. She said “yes”. I asked if it made her feel desired, she said “yes”. I asked if she felt like she had a dirty secret, she said “yes”, I asked if she liked feeling dirty… you understand where this was going.

As I was asking, her body language changed, her breathing became more intense and she climaxed. She seemed super surprised about it too. I had never heard of anything like it. Can anyone help me understand this kink? I don’t even know what to write on Google to read about it.

  1. It could be fun if it was a small token amount of money. But would get weird, for me at least, if she wanted a rate a sex worker would charge.

  2. Oh yeah I’ve met a lot of women with the kink of being paid.

    It’s fairly obvious too. The most important part of female sexuality is feeling desired, it is the core. Paying to have sex with a woman is that desire made concrete, given a specific value.

    It can be both dominant, holding their sexuality over your head, making you pay for the privilege.

    Or submissive, a man having the power to own you, an offer you can’t refuse.

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