What can freak you out easily?

  1. When i was relgious, the concept of eternity really bothered me. Even if enjoyable.

  2. Okay! So the only thigns we have to fear are spiders, snakes, WEREWOLVES, sharks, dying alone, zombies, clowns, heights, big dogs, robots with human brains, Johnson’s wife, AND fear itself!

  3. Dead things. If im walking down the road and there’s roadkill that I haven’t noticed until I’m passing it, ill likely jump.

  4. Those freaky Edward Scissorhands fingernails some of the girl’s ware, usually leads to more red flags that a communist parade.

  5. The thought of death always sends me into a panic attack.

    Also I can’t stand blood, I’ve fainted or come close to fainting several times because of it.

  6. Wasps. I work in the woods too. I can identify them by buzz and if I hear more than like two I run away screaming. Getting fucked up by ground nests has ruined all rationality of dealing with them. When I accidentally disturb a whole nest I suddenly become an Olympic level sprinter while hurdling over logs.

  7. when concreate buildings are built they have these things called tables, that the concreate is poured on top of. so once that floor is finished they fly the tables out over streets and most of the job site. sketches me out for sure

  8. Try to hand me a baby. Just put it on the floor or something wtf you trying to hand it to me

  9. Pregnant anything , i just panic hearing the word , it gives me the urge to suddenly look for milk that is 10k miles away from where i am at.

  10. Roaches. My God they are the spawn of Satan. They just sit there until you spot them wait…. Then DART in a chaotic frenzy

    If one catches me off guard I’ll yelp or my switch will go to anger to kill it

  11. So many things snakes, spiders, roaches, dogs, anytype of bugs or insect

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