whenever i get high alone or with a friend i feel amazing. im always laughing and relaxed and having a good time. but whenever i get high with my boyfriend he gets super horny and i cant get there. i don’t know if there’s something wrong with me or not but i seriously need advise on what’s happening to me and my body. to give you an example, last night we got high and he was turned on and i was in the mood to have sex with him. but when it came down to having to please him i spent so much time on doing it that i was dry. and he tried to touch me for as long as he could to get me going but i was still dry after 20 minutes of doing it. i wanted to have sex but i wasn’t turned on like he was. he constantly says it’s because i’m not attracted to him but i don’t think that’s true. there has been problems in our relationship that has been effecting the way i see him as a partner. could that be the reason why i cant get as horny as he does when we get high? i also think about too much during sex as it is and being high kind of amplifies it. i have a problem with zoning out and so whenever i please him to start it up im always zoned out when doing it. idk if it’s just me or if there’s factors that come into play when it comes to this situation. thoughts?

  1. Ever heard of whiskey dick? It’s probably something similar. Substances can change your perception of touch and sometimes your blood pressure. It’s likely a physiological side effect.

  2. >i also think about too much during sex as it is and being high kind of amplifies it

    Ding ding ding, there’s your answer. I knew this was your problem from the title alone because I have this problem. THC and sexual activity is an awesome combo. It amplifies everything and makes it feel so much better. But if you’re introspective or deal with anxiety or ADHD, it enhances that too.

    I get high and jerk off very frequently, but when I get high before sex with my wife, a lot of times it’s not so great because I’m too much in my head. It gets in the way of having a good time.

    So maybe the truth is, sex and THC are incompatible for you. That’s ok, we all have our limits and learning to accept them is an important part of personal growth. If it’s something you really want to overcome, you’re gonna have to experiment and work at it. Try different strains. Try different methods of ingesting. Have you compared smoking with edibles, and is there any difference for you? Take things slow. Go in with no expectations of having an orgasm. Explore each other’s bodies. Try different sexual acts. If you go into it thinking, “I don’t care if I cum,” it makes it easier to cum.

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