Tbh I don’t speak to a lot of men online, but in the last six months I’ve had 3 asking.

I’m not sure what a voicenote even proves?

This one literally said ‘sorry this isn’t going to go any further unless you can voicenote me’

Seems odd to me but like I say I’ve been out of the game for a while haha

My friend seems to think it’s a power thing 😭

  1. It’s more common than we think.

    “voice notes or you’re not real” is the new “pics or didn’t happen”


  2. I don’t know about voicenotes either as it’s something new but my guess would be that they are trying to determine that you are actually a female as now of course anyone seems to be able to identify as whatever they please including home appliances and it appears their are 527 genders… who knew?

    All joking aside and this is my previous role as a security officer coming into play – if you are going to use these voicenotes ensure that you will not be inadvertently giving away any information that can identify who you are and/or where you are.

  3. A lot of men on dating apps are targeted by bots or catfish scams. Voice note is one of the easiest ways to verify that you are indeed a real woman who is interested in them.

  4. Guys get catfished all the time.

    He probably wants to make sure you’re both real and a biological female.

  5. It’s very normal if you’re attractive, they think you’re a bot or a catfish.

  6. This is not a mystery. You’re wildly beautiful. And it’s hard to believe that you’d be on dating apps, because typically someone that is as beautiful as you are is a scammer profile

    That was my theory, and I clicked your profile and saw a pic and confirmed I am, in fact, Sherlock Holmes.

  7. Tons of fake/scam profiles for women on dating apps/sites.

    Just think of it as a voice version of a Captcha.

  8. Tbh voice-notes won’t even prove anything facetime or meeting up is the best way to prove it.

    It’s a fun way to communicate though

  9. It’s because you’re hot enough for them to be suspicious that you’re a bit or catfishing.

    It would theoretically prove that you exist and are not a dude using an attractive woman’s pics they found online.

  10. Make them prove themselves to you. Men murdering women is a lot more common than the other way around. Their fear is we are ugly. Ugh.

  11. In a way, you should be flattered.

    His “too good to be true” alarms are going off. There’s a whole industry around making a guy think he’s talking to a pretty woman in order to take advantage of him. The catfishers are not going to bother using pics of average women because they won’t be able to wring as much money out of a guy trying to stay in contention for her attention. So, as you get to better and better looking photos, the proportion of catfishers goes up.

    Also, there’s a bit of an arms race between the dudes using various ways to verify that she’s legit and the catfishers figuring out ways to pass the test. Constructing a plausible history on social media (showing friends, family, pets, events) has been automated for years, now.

    Although I’m not a part of the dating world, it sounds like the situation is quickly moving toward a type captcha which doesn’t leave enough time to fake it… where the guy says “you have 10 minutes to send a video of yourself wearing a blue shirt, a baseball hat, saying the word ‘perspicacity’. After 10 minutes, I’ll have to issue a new challenge”.

  12. There are many scammers on dating sites and he wanted to see if you in fact are a woman.

  13. As a guy, I haven’t participated much in online connection with people I don’t know Irl but I would for sure request a voicenote or some other form of proof that the person was not a bot or catfisher as this is extremely common. Many of my close male friends so use apps or connect via Facebook or Instagram and are plagued by them

  14. I think it’s kind of pathetic that they wouldn’t just ask if they can call you instead and have an actual conversation 😆 red flag in my book! I say propose that as an alternative and if they decline, move on.

  15. He just wants to make sure you aren’t a 47 year old man called Barry from Wolverhampton before he invests more time

  16. This is kind of unrelated but it’s really funny to me when guys are like, “Prove that you’re real”, and I’m like “nah” and go on some tangent about tech, and then they accuse me of being a creepy middle aged man… like okay maybe I have a personality of a middle aged man but my body does look like the photos I posted and I don’t feel obliged to prove something that I very well know is real

  17. Guys are scammed and targeted for ads/money/etc all the time. At the very least, the guys want to know you’re at least a woman

  18. You probably have some red flag on your profile. Girl I’m talking to said she has brown eyes, but had blue contacts on in her profile, she was super attractive, so I assumed catfish. I thought she was fake for a while until she left me a voice note.

    Edit: yup, the red flag is that you’re beautiful and on a dating app. Get used to to people not believing who you are!

  19. Your friends weird, perfectly normal to see if there’s a voice or personality behind the photos.

  20. For some there might be a power trip involved, for others they’re genuinely worried about scammers. Some are pushing/fishing for adult pictures/interactions as well – the closer they can make you feel to them, the more likely you are to give them what they eventually demand. (Scammers use the same tactic btw)

    I wouldn’t send a voicenote (I’m not even sure what that is, guessing it’s an audio recording?) though, and I don’t tolerate random demands like that. If someone can’t tell I’m a real person after having several conversations with me, that’s kind of not really my problem. However, I do like to video chat or call before I meet up with someone. I don’t *demand* it, I just invite them to (after we’ve agreed to meet up).

  21. That’s probably normal, but there are better methods for people to use in order to stay safe when using dating apps. I wouldn’t do a voice note, but you should both have your own transportation, meet in public spot, let someone else know where you are going and with who that day, do a video call with them before meeting, and have some source of protection whether that be a friend, a weapon, or your own body.

  22. Only send voice notes if you want, but please don’t do it because they’re making it a condition. The more you do this, the more the demands grow & manipulations start. Every time a man says, “you need to do this” I always give them my own condition. E.g. men: we should talk on the phone or FaceTime. Me: we should meet in person on a non-date & see in real life, so I know if I even want to talk to you, FaceTime or go on a date. Men: okay

  23. They’ve probably been hot by scams before

    This is a good insight

    It means they spend a lot of time on dating apps, enough to come across a scammer

    It also means they got got

    These scammers do things like solicit nudes and dick pics and then blackmail their mark into paying money so the scammer doesn’t tell show their family

    There’s also the ‘pig butchering scam’s where the scammer convinces the mark to invest in fraudulent things like crypto but just siphon all the money directly to themselves

    Or they just convinced the guy to pay them money for something despite never meeting them

    It’s a good insight into their desperation or gullibility

  24. Ai is getting good at deceiving people, I think verification to prove you’re who you say you are and not a Nigerian scammer or a bunch of teens catfishing for a giggle

  25. I get asked to video chat. But they only want it one way. I’m like no, I have to see you, too. They want to verify that you’re real and not trying to scam them. I don’t do it, though because the ones who have asked are wayyy below my standards. Like they for sure know that I’m way out of their league. That’s the reason why they ask.

  26. You’re probably good looking. Had some matches with pretty woman starting out a normal conversation.

    Only to start sending stuff like look how we’ll my crypto is doing.

    So sometimes it’s nice to know if you’re talking with a real person.

  27. What’s wrong with a short phone call? Sounds like “he” is the catfish looking for free voice samples. The Internet is 95% bots.

    The botnet is real. An Eastern European bloke alone was caught with over 2 millions sim cards that was used to make fake accounts.

    Really easy to look legit with AI automating them accounts.

  28. Your friend thinks it’s a power thing? Lol what power does he get just by hearing your voice?

  29. Does your dating profile have a bunch of glamor photos that make you look like an Instagram model? Because when I see a profile like that more often than not it’s a scam or a catfish attempt. I’ve never asked for a voice note as proof it’s not, but it does make my spidey sense tingle.

  30. It’s not a power thing. You don’t realize how many bots and scammers are out there I guess. If you can answer the guy with your feminine voice at least he can feel better that you most likely are not Dave or Bob. What the hell is wrong with all you women and talking on the damn phone. You don’t want to give out your number fine use star69 that shit still works. Or are you afraid that he might overhear your five kids you lied about or your husband will know what you are doing on your phone. They are no other excuses for not talking to someone.

  31. It’s not a power thing. There’s so many scammers that it’s good that they do this. Plus you can gage a person more by their voice than abutting they can type out.

  32. Power thing? Your friend has a really distorted view of things.

    It’s so folks don’t get catfished, happened to me a bunch of times.

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