Hey guys. I cycle count in a refrigerator for a cheese company. I work in the cold about 30°F for 7 hours and 20 minutes. With two 20 minute breaks.
My vision has gotten worst since this job and sometimes my eyes feel like they’re gonna turn ice cubes.
I started experiencing stomach problems within the first month of working. I thought it was just go away but it didn’t. I’m on my 5th month.
I went to see a doctor twice. They said it’s not parasites and not hepatitis. Next is a bacteria stool test.

I wear 7 layers for my tops: tank, 2 tshirts, longsleeve, hoodie, lighter jacket and a heavier jacket.
Jeans and ski pants.

I want to know if anyone has problems working in cold environments.

  1. It’s -1° Celsius. That’s really not that cold. I really can’t imagine your health problems are caused by working in that temperature.

  2. Feet and hands get painful and don’t work well if the temp gets chilly (like, below 60F) after being frostbitten a number of times (poor circulation, I guess?)

  3. These issues are likely caused by another health problem but *may* be increased by the cold… This isnt caused by the cold, but the cold may be making an underlying condition worse… I work in super cold canadian winters outside (as low as -40) and dont have any real issues other than frostbite and arthritis (because I cant wear gloves for my job so I am working with my hands in *extreme cold*)… humans and other mamals spend time in cold conditions all the time and have for thousands of years… the cold alone should not cause the issues you are experiencing. that being said if you are in a freezer, you may be experiencing a lack of oxygen or a freon leak or something of that sort, and that *could* cause some of what you are experiencing..or maybe you are allergic to cheese or something used in the making of cheese..

  4. None. Worked in significantly colder temperatures than a few degrees below freezing.

  5. I used to work in and on refrigeration units of industrial sizes. Cold part isn’t bad. What’s bad is constanty circulating air aka draft. Depending on how big fans are draft can chill you out in no time. I had constant colds and eventually developed sinus infection from that.
    Another problem are leaking chemicals from reefer units. Sweet taste in mouth? Yes, that’s chemical you taste. For most part owners take care of things like that BC fixing reefer is expensive and running busted reefer just cranks hydro bill for zero effect.
    Another one is cleanliness. Some companies are good at keeping cold storage clean. Some not so much. You can get an infection from just being there like I did. I quit that job after 2 months. Welding is much healthier option IMHO.

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