What have you done that made you hate yourself?

  1. pretty much every mistake i’ve ever made at work. i absolutely can’t deal with failure and disappointing people.

  2. Relapses, saying dramatic things when emotional, being too trusting of wrong peoples, not being trusting of right people.

    Is the way, but I never really hate myself for a long time, just a little dabble to engage

  3. I passed up a dream job living in my dream city just to stay with a man who didn’t deserve me. I probably could’ve been much more financially stable in my early 20s but I chose basically poverty. Who knows where I could’ve been if I had moved away.

  4. I used to gossip a lot. Like I had no control. My brain refused to think this can go wrong.
    Well It did. And everyone turned against me.

  5. I bought $150 my fave pantyhose and sent them to my old address by accident. I moved states last fall and didn’t update address on my account.

    I had to buy more, so $150 pantyhose became $300 pantyhose. Mild panic, felt dumb.

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