So guys always call me beautiful and I want to compliment them back, but idk what type of compliments to say besides calling them handsome and I feel like that’s just a default compliment to say. I want to give a compliment that makes them feel special but I’m not that clever and can’t think of anything besides handsome or cutie…

  1. Its about the context completly deepending on the person and circumstances. I watchted a video a few days ago about “The Art of giving compliments”. Its realy hard.

    I personally are just honest but i look what is important for people. The guy with a RX-7 “wow do you did that yourself are you a mechanic realy nice”. Or if someone is realy friendly “wow so nice that you care so much for other people” Or the “i do everyone at the club” kind of guy “yeah sure with your looks!”.

    Yeah a real good compliment have to be personal its like a present !

    If you just call someone handsome it can be weird deepending on the context. Especialy if it doesnt come off organicly in a conversation.

  2. Yes, we love it. For most men, there is no such thing as a default compliment. We don’t get compliments often, so when we do, it gets us higher than cloud nine, we are soaring the heavens themselves.

  3. It’s basically a meme at this point that if you compliment a man, he will remember you *forever.* Most men don’t get compliments very often, much less thoughtful ones. If you say something like “that shirt really flatters your form” he might just rebuild his wardrobe with stuff just like it.

  4. I’m a woman but I enjoy calling a man I’m attracted to handsome, and it’s always been received well.

    If you want to mix it up – sexy, hot, gorgeous, stud, strong, manly, handy, brawny, big, tall, powerful, etc. Grab a thesaurus and pick whatever sounds natural to you.

    Even better I think are specific compliments on what you find handsome about him. Like “you’ve got such strong, sexy arms” or “I love looking into your eyes.” It just feels more sincere and special.

    Compliments on the things he’s accomplished, or things he helps you with, are also great!

  5. Yes! I compliment the guy I’m dating all the time, he gets so bashful grining “staaaaaaahp” it’s so cute.

    My personal favourite is “cutie patootie with da booty”

  6. When two people have sex, it’s called a twosome.

    When three people have sex, it’s called a threesome.

    Now I know why everyone calls me handsome.

  7. I think i am past that stage now, so would possibly wonder what a women wanted if she said it to me.

    But apart from that little caveat — yes absolutely men love to be complemented too.

  8. Personally, I love it. It’s not everyday that I hear compliments from women, so it’s always nice to hear compliments from other women aside from my family members. If anything, I barely get called handsome, so I try to cherish it every time it does happen.

  9. I still recall a compliment from a coworker almost ten years ago “That shirt color looks great on you! ☺️”

  10. Lmao are you kidding me? When a girl I like calls me handsome it’s the best feeling in the world! I normally can’t help but smile:) Men love being affirmed (well everyone does, but men especially because it’s rare for women to be open about it).

  11. Everyone’s different, there are people who aren’t comfortable with that sort of stuff, people have different love languages and might prefer other forms of affection. I personally, adore all of it, the complements, the cuddling, I appreciate when someone puts in any effort to make me feel special. Your best bet is asking your partner what makes him or her feel that way, then you’ll have a better idea of what to work on. Because, you can gather all kinds of creative stuff from online strangers, but we don’t know the guy/girl, you won’t know if it’s gonna resonate with him/her.

  12. Normalise giving men more genuine compliments!

    (Because generally speaking, we don’t get many as is)

  13. I’m sure plenty of men do. Lots of people like being told they look good and being complimented. I hate compliments and words of affirmation personally because too many women lie and just say things to placate you and not because they actually mean them.

    The only compliments I like are for things I know are true. Tell me my sneakers are fire or my fit is dope cause I know that’s 100% facts

  14. Honestly, I get called Handsome regularly and feel like it’s a sarcastic or backhanded comment.
    I don’t feel decent looking, and if someone was really into me, they would have something more descriptive to say.

  15. My lord. Honestly the most blunt or basic compliment you can think of is plentiful. Rarely do guys ever receive comments. Majority of the time, if your a frequent gym go-er we’ll proly be complimented by the same sex LOL. ie BIG GUY, yo man your fucking jacked!, and etc. if not it’s proly gonna be some fucking banter from coworkers or friends saying “ oooooh watch out, mr kiss ass or know at all is here !”

    But hearing what you have too say like Cutie or Handsome is alot lol. Especially if its coming from the opposite sex.

  16. Guys remember any compliment they receive for the rest of their lives. This is no differrnt

  17. I am a gym rat so my crush says things like “strong man” when I post a video of me lifting weights. She recently called me “a beautiful man” in a response to a video I posted which I love.

    Now women pointing out specific features is really the biggest compliment. Biceps, triceps, forearms, traps, lats, shoulders, eyes, jawline, etc.

  18. For a guy who rarely gets compliments = 100% you’d make his day

    For a guy who gets them often it could be annoying

  19. My gf says “what a wonderful man you are” every so often which always makes me feel good. Not just looks, but character recognised too.

  20. Guys get called handsome pr cute like 4 times in our lives, it’s very much NOT a default compliment

  21. I like being called handsome, but I think I respond better to being called cute tbh.

  22. I get so few compliments, I’ll take handsome. I won’t believe you, I won’t know how to respond, but it’ll make my day.

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