I,F(17)and my M(17) boyfriend have been together for 9 months.We will soon have an opportunity to do it for the first time.We are both virgins.I need advice H E L P.

  1. Ok so here’s what comes to mind

    -You’ll likely bleed, and it will hurt a bit but not too much, so be ready for that

    -A lot of people if not most do not cum on their first time

    -Make sure you’re lubricated properly

    -Don’t be afraid to say no/slow down

    -Always check on your partner and if they’re comfortable

    -And of course get properly sized condoms

    Love, breath, and cuddle. Have fun!

  2. try to prepare yourself ahead of time. so take a nice warm shower or even a bath, stay hydrated throughout the entire week and make sure to do a lot of foreplay with your partner. for a girl it’s hard to just have sex without some kind of lubrication and honestly if your partner can do a lot of foreplay with you then you’ll be ready. my advise is to start slow and build up that tension between the two of you. take your time and don’t rush through the process. it’s a delicate area and you’ll be learning what feels good and what doesn’t for the first time.
    and when you finish having sex you need to pee after. if you don’t you can get a uti (urinary tract infection) and they are very painful. it’s common in women to get it especially if they have an active sex life and don’t pee afterward. so please take care of yourself before and after sex. it’s important to keep in mind that you might see a little bit of blood because of your hymen breaking and you may or may not feel discomfort. if something becomes too much for you, you can say no. along with this, if you are having sex without any protection your pH will be thrown off. it’s common for it to happen and there may or may not be a smell to you after you have sex. so wash up if you need to but be careful because it might be sore after. remember to stay hydrated and be safe 🙂

  3. try to put words on what it is that you think you need help with, and we might come up with some specifics…

  4. I was like you roughly a year ago, don’t worry too much about the first time going well because it probably won’t but it’ll get better as time goes on.

    Make sure to use a form of birth control such as condoms which can also protect against STDs.

    Start by touching each other and cuddling if you haven’t reached that level of intimacy yet. If you have, make sure to use foreplay to get comfortable and have fun.

    Embarrassing things are likely to happen to either of you. I think it’s better to acknowledge it and laugh about it together instead of acting negatively.

    Hope it goes well for you!

  5. Teasing and foreplay are your best friend! Maybe even edging. If you have a lot of lubrication, then it will be a much easier process. I promise! It’s probably not going to feel good, you might even bleed a tiny bit. Be sure this is something YOU really want to do and that it’s with the right person. Also, condoms!

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