So I work in customer service and I generally have a (personal) script I follow when I interact with customers. It just makes it easier for me so that way I don’t forget anything or just freak out. But I don’t know what to do when a customer goes off script, like saying a joke to me. I just stand there awkwardly, or even sometimes smile or laugh so awkwardly it kills the mood. This doesn’t happen when I interact with close friends or coworkers, but that’s only because I know them. Does anyone else do this?

  1. Its hard to be specific since we wouldnt know the joke beforehand, but imo in general an idea would be to play along. You know what he or she says is a joke, but reply by treating the joke is the truth.


    You: So how can i help you?

    Customer: Id like to purchase a girlfriend.

    You: I see, youve come to the right place. Whats your budget?

    Customer: 5 dollars

    You: ok how bout this pet marble over there by the potted plant

    Idk where im going with this but yea you get my pt

  2. i have this issue !!!! when they make a joke though i will seriously not say or do anything .. like no reaction … i go silent trying to think of something to say i might crack a little smile but i feel like that makes it so much more awkward

  3. It took me a long time but I’ve learned how to just take the joke in stride an joke back, even if it was never funny. For example

    Customer: “No price tag on this one, so it must be free right? Hardy har har”

    Me: “Hahaha! Yes that would be nice, if I could honor that I would! Haha!” 🙄

  4. just laugh politely and then pretend they didn’t say anything and get back on script

  5. i mean maybe the first problem is you’re looking at them as not just other humans. They’re trying to connect with you, because they see you as a human too, let them. I love it when a customer lets their walls down, let’s the professionalism drop and just treats me like a person. It shows me they see me as more than a robot here to fulfil their requests. Be grateful and try approaching people with a different perspective? “How can I help you guys today?” and MEAN it 🙂

  6. “That’s crazy. Anyway…”

    Works for just about anything. You can say it jokingly, seriously, incredulously, sympathetically, etc. It buys you a little time to get the ol’ brain back in to gear.

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