Zombies breakout from a lab, and the zombies purportedly only chase beautiful women. One such zombie careens right into your direction. What emotions go through your mind in the moment?

  1. Well, I’m safe. Thank fuck. It’s gonna run past me and chase whatever beautiful woman it saw behind me.

  2. I would turn around and run in case it is a confused zombie ;). But still run . Beauty is very subjective.

  3. Since it’s an utopia and I have the « gamer pride » to believe I can survive a zombie apocalypse just because I spent too much times in front of a screen > « it’s my time to shine ! *full of ego boost* »

  4. If they go for the face, I’ll probably turn to see if there is someone else behind me. If they go for body, I’ll run for my life 😂

  5. I’d be scared and try to run away as fast as possible.

    By the way, in this scenario, do the zombies need to see your face to determine whether or not you are beautiful? If so, the safest thing to do would be to wear a mask whenever going outside.

  6. Fear, disgust, panic, shock, etc. The stuff you expect for someone suddenly trying to escape from zombies. Everything in my mind would be to do with running away and escaping.

    Absolutely nothing would be about the fact that the zombie apparently thinks I’m beautiful. That’s pretty damned irrelevant to me in every possible way. My relative attractiveness to an undead walking corpse is among the most irrelevant pieces of information possible.

  7. If the zombies worked like Warm Bodies, I’d be cautious but see if we had any chemistry.

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