So I went to the beach and I saw this drop dead gorgeous girl sitting with her friend eyeing me up a couple or three times. I just thought it was a coincidence and continued to talk with my buddies. Next day I went to the beach again and I see her again( I’m a local at this beach and never saw her before but now she comes two days in a row). Caught her looking again a couple of times but being the shy guy I am I didn’t have the balls to go talk to her. Now I’ve had this feeling of regret that made me decide that I should definitely go talk to her next time I see her but also that feeling has transformed into anxiety. I figured I need to step out of my comfort zone and go talk to her but I know this feeling of anxiety might screw me up when I go talk to her. What I’m planning to say is: ” Hi my name is u/justminimal, it’s the third time I see you here and I’d be a fool if I didn’t come to talk to you. If you wanna get to know each other give me your ig account so I can set something up and stop bothering you now that you are here with your friend.”
Would this work and how do I overcome this anxiety?

1 comment
  1. Just go up, say hi, ask how it’s going. Treat her like a person, because that’s all she is. 78% water just like you. Odds are she knows she’s good-looking and likely works with effort to keep it that way, and that a lot of people will be attracted to her for that alone, and only that.
    So just forget she’s a knockout, and strike up a conversation. Ask if she’s having a good day, tell her about one of your interests, ask about hers. Listen to her. Be interested. Show you have an interest in her as a person, not just a hot babe.
    Then maybe mention your instagram. See if she has one. Keep it light and casual. Odds are she’s met a few creeps, so she’ll be on the lookout for invasive questions, demands for personal information, and so on.
    And don’t bet your self-esteem on this. For all you know, she just got out of a bad relationship, or is in a relationship. If you hit it off, great, if not, also great. Just keep going. Other people are waiting to meet you.
    Just be a person, like she’s a person.

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