My commute can be 15-30 mins depending on traffic. As a result, I struggle to get to the gym over twice a week, partially due to laziness, partially due to other hobbies.

But this autumn/winter, I want to commit to the gym at least 4 days a week.

  1. When I actually went I’d say 15 min max. After getting a job I stopped going simply because the job was really physically demanding. But the drive time was almost the same.

  2. 11 minutes. In your case, it sounds like you’re not close to 4x/week, so start smaller. 2x/week. If that doesn’t reach your goals, then up it by 1, then 1 again if needed.

  3. Have a full gym in my basement, just roll out of bed throw on some shorts and walk downstairs

  4. It’s around the block from my apartment, so about a 2 minute walk.

    If it wasn’t so convenient, I’d probably not have the motivation to go as often, if I’m honest.

  5. 10 minute walk. I work out in the mornings so I need to be very close by. Remove any obstacles and you have less excuses ready for when it’s time to go to the gym.

  6. 15 minutes walking.

    But given the fact that either run or bike – I only go there for the swimming pool or to run on a treadmill when the weather is shit.

  7. When the pandemic hit and gyms shut down, I invested in a home gym. It’s been a major game changer. On days I am not feeling as motivated, I might not have found the desire to get in the car and make the trip to the gym. Now I just tell myself to bang out a few reps in the garage and always wind up getting my whole routine for the day done anyways.

    In fact it’s become so routine I no longer really have those mental battles about getting it done anymore.

  8. 20-25 minutes drive. usually i only get there twice a week but do 2 hour or so sessions when there. works out ok as i look forward to every visit and get plenty of time to recover between sessions

  9. 20-30 minutes when traffic is clear, up to 50 minutes when traffic is bad.

    so it’s a commitment in itself. currently i can only go once a week, so traffic didn’t matter, i will go.

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