It was all fun and games until the condom broke and now I am having to endure the fallout. I really like being spontaneous and fun, but when you are sitting in a parking lot taking EC and having to get STD tests, you really start to question if any of it was even worth it. I’ve been crying all day just thinking the worst.

I get it. If you want to play… you gotta pay.

Can’t go back in time now. Just hoping I get out of this situation clean and not pregnant, have to wait a few weeks to really know.

The adrenaline rush and heat of the moment is not worth it (in my opinion). This uncertainty is the worst.

If anyone has any advice on what to do after this messy situation. I took the EC a little late (~4 days after) so it’s not ideal, and not even the Ella brand which can be taken 5 days, it was over the counter so said max 3 days. I was pretty drunk when it broke so I didn’t even realize it when it happened and the guy didn’t say anything, only until I asked him days later. And this was all 1 day after my ovulation week. I scheduled an STD test in two weeks. Not sure what else I can do other than wait and just not spiral about it.

  1. All you really can do is wait. Try to be more careful.

    If you were more than 24 hours after actual ovulation, you should be okay.

  2. Yeah people really think women are just less bothered about sex than men when actually the reality is I would be slinging my pussy all over the shop if it weren’t for very real and very sobering risks like this one (and others).

  3. Yeah I think that’s why it’s more of a trend to have a FWB type situation which is slightly “safer “ which still being NSA. Good luck.

  4. I’ve been having lots of casual sex lately (I’m in a non-monogamous relationship). To help mitigate the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, I got an IUD last year. I still use condoms, too, so with both forms of BC I feel pretty safe (pregnancy wise). Might be something to consider if you either don’t want kids at all, or if you want them but not right now. The IUD insertion is very painful, but worth it imo. Mine will need to be replaced in 8 or so years.

  5. Yeah that and it being boring without a real connection is why I stopped giving a shit about casual sex. I got out pretty quickly and honestly anyone who does that for more than a year maybe two probably isn’t someone I’d want as a lifelong partner. It’s exhausting and disgusting

  6. > “Until the day God deigns to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in two words: Wait and Hope.”
    – The Count of Monte Cristo

  7. Dang, my condolences to you! I know this feeling! I hooked up with a last one time and it was supposed to be a reoccurring thing, it turned into a one night stand and I hate those!

    Casual sex scares me now because I can severely ruin my sex life (quite important to me honestly) for a few minutes of subpar sex

  8. Yikes, I’m seriously hoping the best for you OP! I’ve been on the pill since I was 17 so I never had to worry about an unwanted pregnancy but I can say I’ve had quite a bit of spontaneous and uncommitted sex with no issue. And it wasn’t until I was dating someone long term (he decided to cheat on me) that I ended up having the STD issue, ironic, tbh. You think you’re exclusive with someone and can trust it’s just you and them and then you wind up having symptoms and find out you’ve been lied to the entire time..

    Really hoping you dodged a bullet this time!

  9. Gosh I’m so sorry that happened. One other EC option is the copper IUD, its more effective and can be used up to 5 days.,matter%20how%20much%20you%20weigh.

    Don’t be hard on yourself, it was an unlucky situation. The likelihood that you contacted any STDs or get pregnant are really low. Give yourself a hug and try to find some happy distractions while you are waiting for tests etc.

  10. I’d recommend going on regular bc after this scare. It’s less side effects than emergency contraception

  11. For me I prefer a fwb type thing to one offs, as I feel it’s less risky and the sex is better when you know what someone likes

  12. Have you considered other types of birth control for the future? Condoms are not very effective. Plenty of things can go wrong. I even had one guy pretend go put the condom on and then didn’t. Asshole.

    Stds can be treated but pregnancies are more difficult

    Many of us have had a scare. Unfortunately there really is nothing you can do but wait. Make sure you keep his contact info because he should be just as responsible if the worst happens. Especially because he could have told you immediately and you could have taken ec at the right time.

    This shouldn’t ruin dating for you, or sex. Things happen that are out of our control, but it doesn’t have to be a predictor for other things in the future.

  13. Yeah, casual sex with a friend is way better. I’m old fashioned but I think sex is better when there is some affection. It doesn’t have to be true love, just real affection and it’s so much easier to have a relaxed trust relationship with someone you already like.

    Solution: Fuck your Friends

  14. Just chill. Wait. And don’t get crazy about it.

    Most important is you didn’t catch any STD.

  15. You are doing everything you can right now- deal with the situation. Try to keep the worries from creeping-in by working only with facts and do what you have to to determine the facts. Once you know the facts, making a plan and work the problems. You got this. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Good luck.

  16. Nothing wrong with casual sex. If you like it, keep having it. I would recommend conforms to avoid stressing like this in the future.

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