Last 3 girls I’ve (34M) been interested in gave me brutal mixed signals, and it allways turned out the interest was not mutual.

The woman (41F) I’m interested in now, randomly invited me to a walk with her group of friends (I knew of her but we didn’t talk much personally). During the walk she was very flirty and dropped some hints like mentioning an upcoming concert and some new restaurants in the area she would like to try (along with many other things and ending with her talking about her previous relationship and how bad it was).

We ended up going to the concert, with her having the same energy and mentioning we would be going to other events in the future.

In person everything is amazing, she gives me light bumps on the arm when either of us makes a funny point and such, but on social media she doesnt do much.

I’m pretty sure she is interested, the the previous girl interests I had kind of let me doubting everything.

Just needed to write this and share it with whoever. Any comment is welcome, main point is I got it out of my chest.

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