I’ve been going through some of the worst years of my life lately and any time I try to reach out to friends or family or basically anyone at all, the response is always just a variation of “Have you tried manning up about it?”

How do you guys deal with this reality men face?

  1. I don’t spend time around people who don’t show empathy or sympathy.

  2. Stoic texts are good at reducing your capability of giving a fuck about it

  3. You’ll find out who truly supports you during this. Anyone saying “Man Up” is likely hiding their insecurities behind that statement and doesn’t want to open up to you.
    Also, therapists can be helpful.

  4. Keep looking for those who do listen. Most guys who say “man up” are probably the worst offenders regarding real life situations. They are never the type who have had much adversity and if they have, they probably neglect others (or themselves) in certain ways.

    Reddit is probably one of the most honest places when it comes to seeing help dealing with certain situations… it helped me get sober. So that’s something.

  5. I don’t need sympathy or empathy. I am a man and I’m going to do what it takes for me and my people.

    I don’t play victim and hold pity parties

  6. What is it that you want? A hug? Sadly no one gives a f** Everyone’s got their own issues and dealing the best way possible.

    I’m from the “walk it off” generation. You fall, you fail, you get hurt .. get up and walk it off. Learn from it and grow.

    Its not about toxic masculinity but having resilience.

  7. That’s my response to people who try to complain to me about situations they created.

    You’ve gotta assess yourself — is your situation something that just happened to you, or is it the result of bad decision-making?

  8. Investing my time and efforts on worthwhile people who I know they will have my back as well i have theirs, instead of shitty people who only worries about crap and runs out of real problems.

    People isnt going to show you a pinch of love no matter how good you are, thats why you gotta love yourself. Fuck society, fuck everything, focus on yourself, surround yourself with true people and dont give a fuck about others.

  9. I man up about it. Ill give advice and help my younger brothers up but end of day they are my problems and i will fix them.

  10. By not hanging out with people who would respond that way. Anyone that has told me something like that has been cut out of my life. Cause fuck them they are pieces of shit.

    I now have plenty of people in my life who would never tell me to man up about shit, they listen and try to help if they can.

  11. Ditch that family and friends. If they aren’t willing to help and support you during the worst times in your life then they aren’t worth being called family or friends.

    My friends are basically my refuge since they’ve always been there for me.

    If it’s getting too bad there are male support groups in a lot of major cities. Let us know what city you’re in or the largest you feel comfortable going to and I’ll see what I can find.

  12. I’ve found loads of solace weirdly on reddit. Same stuff men are meant to be stoic rocks who are responsible for everything awful that’s happened ever….

    I absorb it all. Walk my dog. Tell a random tree the world is full of cunts and then talk shite to fellow nerds about gaming.

    It is wisdom I will pass onto my son

    1. Get a dog
    2. The world is full of cunts
    3. Pet dog

  13. I don’t think there’s authentic empathy/sympathy for anyone. And fake sympathy disgusts me

    I’ve long since stopped trying to rely on others for help/validation and have just started taking it all on myself. I wouldnt say im “manning up” but I’m taking care of my shit without complaining 🤷🏻‍♂️

    That’s really the only way to do it

  14. In all fairness, sometimes “Man up” is the correct answer. Not always, but it’s a reminder that your problems are first and foremost your responsibility. There’s no shame in asking for help, but that doesn’t alter your responsibility.

    Some guys are whiny little bitches…
    *”Oh, Deary me… nobody has praised me on the appearance of my new man-bun. I worked hard on this hipster look, and they don’t even care. I’m going to go pout until someone validates me”*

    Yeah, fuck off with that shit, lol. But if it’s more like:

    *”Help, call an ambulance, I’m being crushed to death under this truck”*
    Telling them to “Man-up” is not particularly helpful in that situation. There’s a world or problems between those extremes, so it’s a question of where you draw the line.

    First, consider perspective… you’ll get more empathetic responses from people who have the same problem. But they have the same problems, so clearly they’re not able to help you in any meaningful way, the solution has eluded them too, lol. People who overcame that problem effortlessly aren’t going to empathize all that much with your struggles, they can’t relate. But they can usually offer useful council, it’ll probably just sound a little condescending, lol.

    If you want empathy and useful assistance from the same person, it can be done, but you have to have very few problems and very good friends.

  15. stopped hanging out with psychopaths

    we’re stuck with family members but you need new friends.

  16. Have you? Because unless you are in a fucking Ukraine or in somalia or other shithoels like that what exactly is the crisis you are having?

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