Without going into specifics, what do you do when you’ve been trying hard and doing your best, but something happens that makes you realise your best wasnt good enough? Please apply this to any situation at all from relationships/friendships to work or anything in-between. Do you carry on throwing everything into it or are you more likely to take a small step back?

Thank you!

  1. Allow yourself the grace to fail, but don’t waste time on toxic people or situations. If i try my best, and fail…that’s okay. If I try my best, and the person I am exerting my effort for doesn’t appreciate it? That’s not okay.

  2. I adjust my ambitions and expectations accordingly, and stop trying altogether. What exactly that means in reality differs wildly depending on what it’s about. A person I’ll part ways with, a job I might stick with, a hobby I’ll probably quit or reshape.

  3. Stop expecting the best from yourself. Accept and embrace “good enough”. “The best” is some toxic boomer shit. Life is to be enjoyed, not to display perfection.

  4. I continue to do my best, but also start looking for help in the areas where it’s needed.

  5. My best is always good enough- for ME.

    Other people might not see it as good enough. But then, I’ve learned that other people’s opinions of me aren’t any of my business.

  6. I keep on trying, I’m not the type of give up and actually learn from my lessons by reviewing everything that might hadn’t worked the last time. Every single failures are something to learn to me. For the relationship case too, just if I broke up with someone then I learn from it and it shape even more my standards, boundaries and expectations.

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