So I have just started to take birth control, no consequences yet as I have heard many.
Me(23f) and my husband (30M) have been using condoms all this time we only went for raw sex twice when I was at the end of my cycle and he came outside.
Now I want him to cum inside of me. What should I expect ?

  1. You may or may not be able to feel the cum. A lot depends on if you are very sensitive and if he cums a lot. You should be able to feel him twitch and such, and it’s likely to be a psychological boost for you. You might feel warmth.

    Be prepared that it will likely run out/drip out. You may want to make it a point to go pee right after sex to push most of it out. You may be getting bigger wet spots and/or cum down your leg at unexpected times (even hours later).

  2. It will likely be more about the mental intimacy of it. He may get more vocal because he’ll certainly enjoy it more. How you feel sans condom will likely get him off much quicker.

  3. Some guys have a very obvious…uh…cum velocity. Or a very obvious amount. Any one of those or a combination, and you may be able to feel it as it happens inside you.

    But if you don’t feel THAT, the twitching that he does naturally will be more noticeable without a rubber on.

    Another thing you can suddenly feel, if you are willing to be all still for a while and maybe kiss and make out instead of doing the fierce in-and-out thing, is his *pulse* that is a lot easier to notice like this.

    Is this something you have told him, or are you planning it as a surprise?

  4. It will be a lot messier but a lot more intimate. I personally prefer it. If he hasn’t much experience without a condom, he might finish a lot quicker, but that is to be expected until he gets used to it

  5. You can expect to learn how to do a funny dance to the bathroom to clean up afterwards.

    And may I introduce you to: The Sex Towel.

  6. For me it’s a sudden warmth inside and then a day or two of weird smells and cum dripping out of you…wear a panty liner

  7. Keep boric acid suppositories around. Cum disrupts your ph and can cause funky vaginal odor. Boric acid restores it.

  8. Expect leakage. You’re not watertight and it’s all going to seep out eventually. This is the “wet spot” people complain about. Depending on your circumstances, it might be wise to make a quick trip to the toilet and let gravity help you drain yourself.

    My wife tells me that, regardless of what I’ve read or heard on the internet, she cannot detect actual splashes of semen: “That whole area’s wet to begin with. Why would I notice more wetness?” There also isn’t much temperature difference, is my guess. She *does*, however, report that she can perceive the contractions and/or pulses of my penis.

    I think there’s a psychological element as well. I don’t know if all men have this, and I *certainly* don’t know if women do, but I personally feel that sex is enhanced by the opportunity to actually deposit semen in my wife’s vagina. As such, condoms lower the quality of sex. If you and your husband share this sentiment, then moving to hormonal birth control will let you add this form of physical and emotional intimacy to your experience, and it might mean a lot.

    Of course, the downside is that hormonal birth control can lower the quality of sex for *you*: there are documented, if unpredictable, side effects on mood, personality and libido. So what we *really* look for is the method that allows us to achieve penetrative ejaculation without lowering interfering with the experience of *either* partner. Currently there are only three such methods: the copper IUD, tubal ligation and vasectomy. (Which is what my wife and I settled on.) There are two more moving through human testing: the Bimek sperm switch and Vasalgel, both of which essentially create temporary vasectomies. I hope they make it through soon, to give us all that many more options. But I digress. My point is that you’re trading one form of intimacy for another, and you should spend time determining whether you believe the trade was worthwhile. If your husband is like me, he’ll *definitely* think so… But he’s not the only person in his marriage. Advocate for yourself and set your boundaries. =)

    I hope this context is helpful, and I wish you enjoyment in your new experiences!

  9. It’s very intimate. Especially when you love the person. It feels free like you don’t have to sit and worry about how he is gonna cum and he doesn’t have to think about it. And no one is wondering if the condom is still intact. He isn’t worried about pulling out or the condom somehow coming off. Makes it easier to feel in the moment. So that’s really nice. Feels very natural.

    HOWEVER (bc for women there’s always some weird consequence to sex 😂)

    Be prepared for leakage. And I mean hours later sometimes. You’ll laugh and feel a gush like you’re on your period and sneeze. It kinda coats up at the cervix and then I guess eventually flushes down. It’s fucking weird sometimes. Haha.

  10. There’s nothing like it for both parties. It’s the natural way and it’s where it was intended to go. I had a vasectomy 15 years ago and I literally can’t remember what a condom feels like. My favorite though are her little complaints. Later in the day when some unexpectedly decides to drip out. But as I always remind her that’s her problem 😅 She wanted it and after I’ve given it to her it’s not mine anymore. 😊

  11. You need to be taking it for 7 continuous days for protection to start, try taking it at the same time everyday set an alarm

  12. I literally just tried a creampie for the first time a couple days ago. It was incredibly hot but also incredibly messy. So get a towel down. You probably won’t feel it “shooting” inside you, as I did not, but you’ll likely feel warmth and a feeling of fullness. And be prepared for it to leak out all over the place, especially if he has a big load. Even if most of it leaks out be prepared for some to leak out throughout the day. I recommend wearing a pad unless that’s your thing.

  13. You can expect a happier husband. And if not wearing a condom turns him on more, you might benefit from a more energetic fuck.

  14. Look up Awkward Essentials. Literally everyone here so far needs to stop dripping and go buy some goddamn cum sponges.

  15. It’s possible you might feel a bit crampy afterwords, and a slight soreness in your vulva area (this is something that happens to a percentage of people that I was never warned about).

  16. The most intimate experiences ever. I love the feeling of my partner coming inside me because I LOVE them so much. Idk if this is just psychological (like an empathetic orgasm) but I often experience physical pleasure (like orgasm aftershocks) when my partner cums inside me. His cum is a magical liquid of pleasure to me. Sometimes I can feel the cum squirting inside me, other times I cant. I also can feel his pulsing cock inside me sometimes which is delicious.
    My vagina PH has always been super compatable with my partners cum (be informed on the signs your PH is off – some womens pussys do not do well with their partners cum 🤔). And unpopular opinion but I LOVE feeling it drip out hours later (it’s never soaked THROUGH pants or anything of the sort for me). Only downfall is I sleep with cum sheets a lot but it’s our cum so I accept this. I also wash the sheets a lot more than the average person because of the mess. I used to lay there and wait for the towel when we were noobs but now I just get up, go pee, and carry on with my day.

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