This could be any reason for temporarily being away from each other, like a business trip, separate vacations, deployment, job training, etc. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve had to be away from each other? My husband has a 2 week work training and it’s feeling like an eternity.

  1. Maybe a week. I usually enjoy the first night alone by eating ice cream, hanging out with the dog, and watching tv. I enjoy my alone time.. but then after a full day it starts to stink.

  2. Three or four weeks about 6mo after we got married. She had an overseas assignment for 3 months, but my first visit wasn’t until she had been there and gotten settled.

    Other than that maybe 4 or 5 days for work travel, etc.

  3. 6 weeks when I went to visit my daughter and grandbabies across the country. Been together since 1999 so way past that newlywed attachment period. Hubby works a camp job so his rotation is gone 2 weeks / home 1 week anyway…

  4. 2 months n hospital. Normally each year I spend 6 weeks at a time, 3xa year in hospital

  5. We have ben married for 25 year and the longest was a week on business trip or her visiting her family. Last time we were so miserable without each other we ended up having phone sex.

  6. 3 months when I studied abroad in college. We got engaged a couple months later. During our marriage, I don’t think it’s been more than 4 days or so.

  7. Since marrying, the longest we have been apart was two days, and it was a considerable struggle for me.

  8. I’m a Canadian Military Spouse, the longest Deployment was one full year but he got a break to come visit for 3wks, 9 months in, so that would be the longest. I’m often alone for 4-6 months at a time. I see it as time to do things for myself and to better myself. The last long Deployment I wrote a Novella just to say I did. I read a lot and try new things when he’s away, especially now that my kids have left home. I try not to dwell on loneliness and instead see it as time to eat what I want, follow my own schedule. I can skip make-up or have a pj day without feeling observed. It also makes me appreciate him so much more when he comes home. I think it’s made our relationship stronger over the years. We send sexy pictures and emails and make a genuine effort to keep the spark while he’s away. I find I’m more prone to gushy sentimentality in letters so I tell him a lot how much I love and appreciate him. 30yrs together, 23yrs in the Army, 5 War Deployments, 9 moves and two kids raised to adulthood and we’re still very happily married and enjoying our empty nest years. We must be doing something right.

  9. 8 days. His father was dying. I desperately wanted to be there too but couldn’t travel since I had recently had surgery and was at risk of blood clots. It broke Mt heart to not be there for him. I made it over on day 9 before father in law passed.

  10. Almost three months as part of a corporate relocation where I went ahead for the job while she stayed behind getting the house sold. It was *much* harder than I expected and we didn’t have that much technology at the time–only AOL instant messenger and phone calls.

    We did another relo years later and iPads with facetime made things much better. We’d just set it up and chatter as if we were in the same room, going over family things and whatnot. And I’ve traveled internationally a lot, so same thing with Facetime.

  11. Almost 9 months between a tdy and deployment right after each other

  12. I’ve been married 2 weeks shy of 15 years. The most has been 5 days/4 nights for a work convention out of state. It was the one of the hardest times. I missed her and our baby boy horribly. I fought anxiety attacks the entire week. I have not and will not do it again.

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