When I’m in a bad mood it’s hard for me to snap out of it without the help of other people or engaging in some activity. I know seeking help when you need is isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not always possible, I might be stuck at work or whatever and my foul mood just lingers. I’m decent enough at switching between activities and relaxation to build my mood up, but most of the time I have to rely on other people or getting a good nights sleep, then I’ll wake up and the slate will be wiped clean, more or less.

I don’t know if I’m crazy for thinking I should be able to do some mental gymnastics to get out of my bad moods, so are you guys good at this? I work out, eat healthy, don’t abuse drugs, starting to get back into meditation, and reading easy fiction is pretty good for my mood.

  1. I got really good at it. I’m prone to depressive episodes and ptsd issues, and therapists have told me it’s either extensive therapy or a cocktail of meds, and I’m not really cool with either, so I have some things I use to trick myself. I have a psych up playlist I keep on a loop, if a song starts really doing the job I’ll just play that one on a loop, and repeat affirmations to myself, in the mirror if I need to. “I’m getting better. I’m okay. Everything is okay.”, stuff like that. Once that starts to sink in, I control my breathing and try to stay in a quiet space for some time to just zone out and focus on my breathing. Once my hands stop shaking I know I’m usually in the clear from there.

    I know it sounds cringe but it’s way better than ptsd flashbacks or suicidal ideation.

  2. I used to have PTSD as a child and for as long as I remember I had depression (diagnosed with chronic depression)

    I just make myself do things regardless of if I want it or my mood.
    Some things are needed to be done and thats that. I can pity myself in the grave but while I’m not there I need to do basic things that will help future me feel less shitty.

  3. I do 20 to 60 minutes of cardio, either riding a bicycle outside or running in place while watching a YouTube video; I know it sounds silly, but that is an almost instant mood enhancer for me.

  4. I think most men are fairly good at it. We generally are societally expected to be pretty neutral and maintain our composure. Generally, i think a deep breath and a mental slap is all it takes now. Its not healthy, but generally, i let things roll of my shoulder. But as mentioned below, some good intense physical activity helps a lot. Gets the blood flowing and your brain becomes too aware of the effort to thinks about the bad

  5. I never force it, but I navigate my mood when it’s bad. I do small things, take breaks, naps, talk to people I like… It’s never by force.

  6. Hmm what do you mean by bad mood? There have been times when I was in a toxic relationship that it seemed like I was always in a bad mood, and that never really got better until I got out of the relationship. But then there are moments where I’ve just had a long day or my blood sugar dips a little. For smaller things like that I just try to be nice to the people around me, compliment someone or make them laugh, even if I have to force it a little. Making someone else smile picks up my mood real fast.

  7. I tend to handle my own mood well. Lifting weights, training jiujitsu, and getting some sunshine all help a lot.

  8. I can experience eargasm through with really good or nostalgic music.

    Digimon – Breave Heart never fails to give shivers on my entire body, making everything colorful again.

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