My fiancé during sex,doesn’t moan,doesn’t show any facial expressions of feeling pleasure.
Literally just looks at me.
I mean 6 years of sex has always been like this but now it’s really bothering me.
It makes me turned off.
I try to close my eyes and feel in the moment, but I look up and he is just like 😐.

I try to tell him about this before but he just doesn’t get it.
What can I do or say?
It’s making completely stop during sex and hop off of him.
I can’t do it anymore.

  1. Take him aside and tell him how this is affecting you. Not in a dismissive way where it’s just something he doesn’t have to truly think about cos it got rushed. Fully sit down and say you’d like for him to recognise that being unresponsive and lifeless during sex puts you off, as well as makes you uncomfortable to the point of an extreme need to stop during.

    Maybe then he might open up about why he does it, have there been any indications where you might have picked up on him perhaps being abused in the past? Sometimes men shut themselves off to certain emotionally vulnerable conversations, if so then this is a bigger issue than you might have thought. It’s worth asking him if there was anything that happened to him previously that makes him be so blank during sex. It could stem from something not even sexual in nature e.g. as a child he might have been told to always be quiet and to not make a noise as much as possible.

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