Me (16F) and my crush that I’m gonna name Timmy (15M) know each other for an year and an half but we started a situationship 9 months ago.
I know he liked me before I started liking him and we had like a cute teenage romance but we never said we were officially a couple. We both are still young for relationships and he’s one year younger than me but the first thing that made me go for him was our “unexplainable connection”, even before I started liking him I always felt something when I was around him and he never took his eyes off me when I passed by.
Timmy is an introverted guy , very shy with girls and grown up people, I’m his first love and I can say that he never talked w a girl before that isn’t a relative or classmate.
And he has a friend ( I’m gonna name him Julio)
I’m very close to Julio and he is literally my boy best friend, Julio likes my girl BFF and I like his friend Timmy, so we often give each other advices and make plans(Timmy doesn’t know how much me and Julio talk and our friendship)

Anyway,this summer he texted me almost everyday,sometimes cute messages and even dropped some hearts there.
It was a weird period of time we didn’t talk with each other for 2 weeks and he even unfollowed me but he came back of course and sent me a follow request.
After this period of time things went nornal between us.
We hung out this summer only once by my initiative (we didn’t take the next step to go on dates or meeting only the 2 of us , we used to hung out with our group of friends before)

How this stupid thing happened, it was evening and he asked me if I wanna play the game we used to play together in the past with our friends “Call of Duty” with my girl BFF and his BFF that is also mine -Julio.
Everything went normal at first,the game has microphone option but me and my girl BFF were too shy to talk and we only heard how the boys were talking.
But after one match he said to Julio “im gonna look in my friends list to see whos online
“Andreea is online,she is so good at playing she could beat u easily”
I didn’t pay attention at first to that even tho im very jealous when it comes to another girl but I usually hide it.
We played an another match and he started saying again things about this Andreea
“Hmm lets look through my messages with her”
“I wonder when she will end her match she is now” “I can go to play with her now if I wanted to”
“She has (name of the accent)this accent because i talked w her”
(The accent he used to told me I have).
I’m sure he knew what he was doing,it was obvious that I could hear him , but I didn’t say anything.
It was like he tried to catch my attention or smh.
My friend Julio responded to him
“oh really? Why don’t u invite her here to play w us then?”
And timmy said “Nah she only wants to play w me”
I was really jealous u can imagine and even tho I knew he did all of this to make me jealous I wasnt so sure then.
I waited them to stop talking about her then I left them and exited the game.
After 15 minutes he texted me “goodnight” I was so mad at him so I left him on seen.
But I couldn’t stay there just overthinking so I asked Julio after 30 min if he can enter the game with me to find who is this “Andreea”.
I needed to team up with someone even if we are not gonna play, just bc Timmy was online and I didn’t want him to think I was waiting for him to send me an invitation to team up bc he could see if I’m playing or just staying in the app.
He saw how I stayed in the lobby w Julio and he sent Julio an invitation to come with us but Julio rejected it.
We were avoiding him, he didn’t play any matches and he was the one that waited someone to invite him and see what happens .
Me and Julio stayed like that for 2 hours and just talk in Cod without playing . And yep Timmy did the same for a long time and didn’t understand what was happening, he tried to stay in lobby w random teams and ppl but they kicked him out bc he didn’t put start to play the match.
I found that Andreea easily bc she is the head of the clan timmy was in. I added her in friends and she accepted me within seconds bc she was active.

What can I say about her… she had a pfp w herself and I dont have anything w her bc its definitely Timmy’s fault but the thing is… she looked really really old. Like 40? I asked all my friends how old they think this woman is and some of them even said older. She wasn’t 15 like timmy said for sure and there weren’tany chances him to like this old woman.
I invited her in lobby with me and limur and she accepted. We talked with her on the mic and I invented a lie about timmy to see if she knows him
She said “I dont really know this guy , I played w him 2 matches only and ik he’s new in my clan, he entered yesterday” “I heard him talking only once”
She said she was 30 and we played some matches w her.
While Timmy I think freaked out bc he literally saw how we 3 stay in the lobby and ofc we talked bc what else u can do when u are not playing. I don’t think he ever thought that I’m gonna talk w this Andreea and the fact he said some terrible lies up there.
Even Timmy’s friends told me how he likes but sometimes he just wants to impress me.
For the things he did I avoided him a lot.
All this situation is new to him and I don’t really know if he’s aware that he messed up and how to repair what he did.
The next 2 weeks he stalked all my social media.
He visited my tik tok profile daily,liked my reposts, sent me gifts in 2 games we play, visited my profile in games.
But I did smh else. I play every single day these 2 games w Julio while he was active and he saw that.
That’s when he started to realize me and Julio are actually close. When we played he usually waited us to invite him . Sometimes we didn’t even play and just stood there and talk for hours. This happened for 2 weeks almost. He didn’t text me smh after that goodnight text, me neither.
He didn’t talk that much w Julio, only twice.
One day when I was playing w Julio one of Timmy’s closest friends wanted to team up w us. We accepted him to see what he wanted to and he invited timmy in our team.
When I saw his name I got scared and left that group immediately and so Julio after me.
I teamed up w Julio appart and after this happened Timmy had enough and deleted me and Julio from his friends in the game.
After, he blocked me on tik tok. Deleted me from the other game where we were put as lovers. And the only app he didn’t block me was instagram.
I was kinda devastated and I’m still am , this happened a week ago.
But at the same time I can understand him, its a bit my fault bc yeah I tried to make him jealous w Julio bc he doesn’t know hes my bff and idk what’s in Timmy’s mind but I’m sure he’s confused and jealous.
After Timmy saw us how we were hanging out w Julio in real life once and Julio tried to talk w him irl but he avoided him. Julio told me how he had red eyes and messy her when he tried to go to him. I think only Julio can explain how the things really are to him. But I really want to talk w him but I feel like it’s not the right decision me to text him.

TL;DR : I’m in a situationship with my crush and ik he likes me. We played a game in 4 with my girl BFF and his friend. His friend is my boy bsf but he doesn’t know that. The game has microphone and he tried to make me jealous talking about a girl from this game . I found out after she is really old and he did all those things to have my attention. He texted me goodnight that night and he is still on seen to this day (its been 15 days) and we didn’t talk since then. After, I made him jealous w his friend and he thinks now smh its between us and blocked us both everywhere , except instagram. I’m sure he still has feelings for me and so I do but idk how we can ever talk again and he still didn’t text me.

1 comment
  1. You guys didn’t even argue? That would have taken actual communication. You just did passive aggressive bs.

    Take this as a learning experience and try to communicate in the future. You both have a lot of growing up to do, you were never in a relationship, I don’t think there’s anything to talk about.

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