Throwaway because she knows my main account, English is not my first language.

I’m making this post because I started to feel weird about her and honestly cannot tell if she’s being a hypocrite or not.

Me(18F) and my friend(18F), have known each other for two years, we were classmates in high school. A year ago we started being closer, which led to us being “ best friends “. I really love her and I care so much about her. We’re pretty different and express our feelings towards each other in different ways. I’m more physically affectionate, but I rarely actually hug her because she doesn’t like it. I also love buying her gifts, but I rarely do it because she doesn’t like receiving gifts. I always prided myself in being able to read her very well, as we are also pretty similar in many ways ( she’s so much like I used to be and I can see my old self in her ) and she loves d when I start talking about how she behaves/reacts to certain situations.

Now, to the problem at hand. I’ve noticed a continuous behaviour of her and I need to speak about it otherwise I fear I might start resenting her.

She’s a lot on Tik Tok and joins lots of popular trends, listens to lots of popular artists ( like Lana del Rey ), which is fine– I’m saying this because it is relevant. I used to have Tik Tok too but eventually logged out for good. A few months ago I tried deleting my account and it didn’t work because I didn’t have my old phone number anymore. I was complaining to her about it because.. why wouldn’t I be able to delete it if my email address was included in my account? She kept defending Tik Tok, as if it was my fault and I felt as if she took it personal ( she also said tik tok just tries to make sure that our data is safe, which is just not true ) . She also always tells me to download that app and once even made a comment about me not being better than anyone for not having tik tok ( which I never ever said before, never even hinted ) and when I told her that “ I never said that “, she said “ I know, I did “ which made us end the topic.

That being a little bit of background.

One thing that really made us get closer was a particular tv show, which we always talked about. I started watching it after her and couldn’t stop gushing over a particular pair from the show ( that’s the most popular one ). After I started expressing interest in that pair, she kept making comments about how it’s overrated and that she’s over them ( meaning she used to like them a lot ). I noticed a lot of condescending comments about them, only because they’re the most popular pair. She also believes I’m a cringe fan for reading fanfiction/ liking fanart for them, although she also loves fanart of artists/other shows/literally anything else, for engaging with other people from the fandom and other stuff like that.

I just don’t know how I feel about this situation anymore and I stopped making conversation about topics that might make her think I’m “ cringy “, but I feel like she already has that image of me and I don’t like it.

Is she being slightly hypocritical? I feel like she only hates certain popular things when I start liking them, as if I’m some sort of new fan that embarrasses the fandom, but has no problem defending that Tik Tok app.

tldnr: me best friend often says i act like a cringy fan, but she goes on to defend tik tok, while also engaging in “ fangirl “ behaviour

1 comment
  1. Why are you giving this any real estate in your brain?

    Just say “Okay” and go along with your life.

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