What are some easy and healthy recipes for weight loss?

  1. Steak.

    Going carnivore made me feel and look the best.

    I need to go back on it lol

  2. I’ve been eating grilled chicken with either vegetables or rice. Sometimes both. It feels like that is our dinner at least 5 times a week. I just switch up the sauces so it doesn’t get repetitive. Teriyaki, hot sauce, BBQ, salsas, etc.

    Getting my money’s worth out of the Blackstone I bought last summer.

  3. What I do is make it as simple as possible. Fruit/egg cups/yogurt or whatever for breakfast, for lunch I make a basic ass WHITE RICE, Turkey or ground beef, and some vegetables. Then for dinner I make something exciting like burrito bowls, burger bowls, chicken sandwhiches, etc. For snacks I do nuts or fruit. For dessert i normally buy a pint of some low cal protein ice cream that I’ll take a scoop or two a day to last 2 weeks and curb my appetite.

    I meal prep on Sundays to last me Monday to Friday. Then I freestyle Saturdays, and then Sundays I’m making basic meals until I prep again. I drink water and coffee, and rarely drink soda or iced tea. If I want flavor or something, I have little packets I toss into my water bottles. I use white rice instead of brown rice because calories wise, they are the same. White rice cooks in half the time, and say whatever about vitamins, but I get more than enough with my daily vitamin and diet.

    I’m also a bodybuilder, 6’5” and 225-260 depending on the diet I’m doing. I planned out calories required, and originally started with chicken, broccoli, and rice. I got tired of that so I started tweaking with the diet until I was making crazy things that were delicious and healthy. I then realized I didn’t feel like spending a lot of time doing it, and I don’t care what I eat for lunch, so I keep the bland ass lunch, and save the good shit for dinner.

  4. Look up Remington James on Youtube. If you can learn to make lower fat, higher protein meals to better fuel your body with foods you love it can be a game changer!

  5. Chicken or fish (not fried) with two vegetable sides. I roast a ton with just some olive oil and salt and pepper in the oven.if you keep to lean proteins and fruits and vegetables and cut out shitty carbs and added sugar, you will lose weight.

  6. For lunch I eat a seasoned chicken breast sandwich. Sourdough bread, using spinach like lettuce. I eat it cold, its really not bad I kinda like it lol. Tons of protein and nutrients.

  7. So far the most effective diet I’ve ever been on: The “I can’t afford to it, so I tell everyone I’m ‘Fasting’ diet” 😅

  8. Honey mustard chicken thighs.

    Mashed potatoes.

    Roast turkey pieces

    Salmon filets. Honey mustard is good. Teriyaki is good. Etc.

    Baked potato wedges/chips

    Baked whole potato or sweet potato

    Red beans and rice

    Tomato mozzarella and basil – caprese salad

  9. Salad + lean protein + vinegar oil dressing. All you can eat, any meal. Pick your leafy green (romaine, spinach, arugula) top with cukes, carrots, tomatoes, and other fresh veggies

  10. Not a recipe, but roast some veggies with whatever seasoning and add it to whatever.

    Rotisserie with a side of veggies.
    Pile some onto bread with a slice of cheese for a roasted veggie sandwich.
    Chicken/chickpea/tuna mixed into roasted veggies for a salad.

    These are the secrets to my life, but my life stinks so be weary.

  11. Try finding recipes with lentils, they’re actually pretty versatile and super filling and healthy, plus cheap. I’ve been using them here and there and they’re great!

  12. Behold, the simplest and most effective weight loss recipe ever:

    (Current diet * 0.85) = New diet

  13. Eat less, move more. Can’t get any simpler.

    Oh, do you mean food? My bachelor healthy meal of choice was stir-fry veg. w/ chicken and rice.

  14. The best advice IMO is ease into it, if it’s not something that you can sustain then you’re going to fail.

    Step one should be stop buying snacks and junk food, don’t bring it into your house and get used to not eating a lot of sugar. Start avoiding prepared and boxed foods, buy ingredients fresh and cook at home. Avoid lots of starchy/carb filled foods, it sucks at first but if you wean yourself off it gets easy. Make sure to plan meals out and actually have stuff in the fridge, if you are unprepared you’re gonna order pizza.

    It took a long time to get here, but we’re almost “paleo”. It’s just healthy eating tbh. Lots of veggies, some steak and ground beef, chicken, salmon, ground turkey/chicken. Very little dairy and rice/beans/carbs. Salads with some fruit, grilled chicken, a little goat cheese (esp blueberry) and flavored balsamic/olive oil… So good.

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