Married women of reddit, what would you do or say if you found out your SO was in contact with an ex and didn’t tell you?

  1. A) husband would be dealing with eldest two children(38&35) until I got my temper under control. B) there would be groveling or a vicious divorce lawyer. He had his dinner with ex 39 yrs ago. That bad word I’m not allowed to say had *better* not darken my doorstep EVER again.

    I have a *scary*, vicious temper and work really really REALLY hard not to lose it entirely, like EVER.

  2. Ask them about it???? What else am I gonna do? Contact is contact. It’s the only appropriate thing to do unless there’s been an understanding made on such circumstances beforehand or proof of anything nefarious going on.

  3. I told him that I didn’t think it was healthy for him. I trusted him that it wasn’t anything sexual or romantic, but I don’t think he realized how much bad shit about their previous relationship it was bringing up.

  4. Well, one time this happened to me. I called the ex and left a VM. The next morning she called me- she was very nice and I apologized. We had a nice chat. She didn’t know he had a new gf. He had been calling her giving her the impression they were still together but he was too busy to see her. There’s more, but that’s all I want to share.

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