Hi! So I’ve always had the type of vagina where my labia majora covers all of the bits inside. It looks like is a slit, when I’m not aroused and my legs are, for lack of better words, closed.

Recently, I’ve noticed that my clit (which is hooded) and labia minora are peeking through even while relaxed. Although my labia minora is still shorter than majora and it doesn’t cause any discomfort, it is a change that I’m not used to.

I’m wondering how this could happen? When it gets irritated or I have too much sex (when it’s too hard), this happens but then it goes back to normal after a day or so. This new change seems to be my “relaxed state.” I’m wondering if my body is still changing (I’m 22), or if anyone else has experienced this? I noticed it about a month ago.

  1. Most people don’t know it but your clitoris grows through out your life span. Growth over the life span of 7 times your starting size. Most of this occurs during your years of hormonal shifts so it would not be unusual for your clitoris to be double the size it was in your mid teen now that you are 22 and it will be larger still when you are 30 and so forth. I suspect this is what you are noticing

  2. I’m guessing that it’s just your ladyparts getting slightly puffed up from increased blood flow that comes from arousal, so they poke out a bit. It takes a while for them to shrink back down. Sounds like it’s not something to worry about.

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