Is the feeling of the copper string significantly prominent during sex? Is it very uncomfortable? Because I was told by my doctor that during sex it will most likely fold in the end and it won’t be uncomfortable.

But I had sex a week ago and the guy got a bit put off that he felt the copper wire… he was stoned though so I don’t really know if its just because he was extra sensitive.

  1. My ex husband could feel it every time. He actually liked it, but yeah I don’t doubt people who say they can feel it. I could feel it every time I fingered myself as well

  2. my ex had one for a while and it did feel different, like I could feel it but Im sure it was just the string and paranoid. or maybe just paranoid lol didnt feel it after it was taken out tho.

  3. I had an ex with a copper IUD and I could feel the string sometimes. It wasn’t an every time thing. It’s kind of a surprise when it happens so it might throw the mood off for a sec but it’s never ruined anything.

  4. My wife was worried about my feeling the string. She explained our situation to her gyno, and the doctor trimmed the string.

  5. My husband was so terrified of the copper wire. He read up on it and read stories of guys getting poked in the place you don’t want to get pokes he offered to get a vasectomy… he also added my body had been through enough. Four kids and I’m 5’4 130lbs and had huge babies. My last was almost ten pounds. So I was happy for him to take this one for the team.

    So honestly I don’t know. I’m just going off his research and fear. Lol

  6. The string is nylon. The IUD device is copper. You don’t feel the IUD; that is in the uterus. The strings go through the cervix hole

  7. I got poked hard early on. Felt like I got stung or bitten. Took a couple of weeks to feel better. Months later, I know to dodge that spot, but it’s not nearly as bad as when she first had it put in.

  8. my husband says he can feel it everytime but it doesn’t bother him at all and he doesn’t think about it

  9. I had one and it was an issue for my ex who was more well endowed. It actually left a red mark on the head of his penis and was very tender for him. We had it trimmed several times before opting to have it removed. So although I am not a male, I was the female that had it and yes it is an issue for some men.

  10. I didn’t have copper IUD but Mirena. My bf could feel the strings. My gynecologist cut and tucked them. Downside is I couldn’t check it’s placement.

  11. My wife has an IUD. The strings were cut incorrectly the last time, and I could feel it. It was quite painful sometimes. Doctors swore it would get better, or that it wasn’t possible I could feel it, but I absolutely did. Eventually my wife had it removed, and the feeling immediately disappeared. In her case the doctor cut the strings so short that they didn’t curl away, so they were sticking straight out and irritating me.

  12. It’s sometimes capable of being felt; my experience was that it’s like a little bit of fishing line. Never got in the way, never snagged, just sort of… gently brushed against the tip of my penis occasionally.

    Also, the copper section is entirely within the uterus; despite what r/hentai may think, the cervix (separating the vaginal canal from the uterus) is SHUT TIGHT during sex, and is not penetrable. The only thing you may feel are the nylon threads, which stick out of the cervix and are used to assist with removal.

  13. So I have the copper IUD! My bf at the time could feel the strings every time for about two weeks. And he did straight up her stabbed by the strings the first few times.

    My gyno said that sex is the surest way to soften the strings so they curl up, and she was right. At the time, we were having sex 2-4 times a day, so your mileage may vary. I wanted to get them cut short at first, but she said it would be harder for them to curl at a short length and that they’d stay stabby longer.

  14. I assume this is in reference to an IUD? Yes, my partner could feel a poke too, and it was uncomfortable enough for him to lose interest in having sex for awhile. For whatever reason he doesn’t feel it much now, but do make sure your fully aroused. That may help you in your journey ✌️

  15. They used to cut the strings short to keep them out of the way, but that has the risk of being blunt and stabbing any intruders. Nowadays they leave them long, so he shouldn’t be able to feel it. My bf has never been able to feel my strings, even with his fingers

  16. The nylon string is stiff at first, and it can poke. It softens over time and isn’t *as* noticeable. That said, I’ve had my IUD for four years and have always been able to feel the string. My husband stopped having complaints about it irritating him after a couple of months though, and hardly notices it at this point.

  17. If the strings are like the regular copper iud then they should soften up over time and tuck up around your cervix. However for some the strings can get crinkled or tangled and then still be felt and even hurt a thrusting penis. If that’s the case the strings can be cut shorter even enough so they don’t stick out of the cervix and can’t be felt at all. This has the potential to make IUD removal more difficult, however according to my gyno it’s not that much of a problem, i think they just need to use ultrasound imaging to see where it’s at.

  18. My boyfriend can feel the strings sometimes depending on the position and where I am in my cycle

  19. I know it’s there but with all the other sensations just barely. Usually if I’m resting against the cervix- a game we play- I can feel it more.

    I think the dude was just high and focusing on the wrong shit. Most of my partners for the last 20 years had IUDs.

  20. My husband says he’s never felt it in the ~10 years I’ve had one (on my second Mirena). The strings should soften with time as others have said.

  21. It depends on the man’s size. It didn’t work at all for my wife and I because I am about 8″ and hit her cervix when we have sex.

  22. I occasionally feel it with the wifey if we’re in certain positions and it’s not fun. I’m fairly large 8+ so you’ll only feel it very very rarely if your well endowed. You’ll know when it happens 😂

  23. My wife’s stabs me in the dick almost every time we have sex. Dr. said would get better over time but didn’t. Trimming it didn’t help. She’s had it for like 2 years now. It’s not horrible but sometimes I’m tender afterwards at the tip. I’m just going to get a vasectomy lol

  24. As previous comments have said, it it the nylon strings coming out of the cervix that can be felt, not the copper spiral itself.

    The strings should soften with time and also tuck themselves around your cervix.

    I have an IUD. My boyfriend felt the strings at first, but less and less as they softened and “found their place” in my body. He said it felt a little bit uncomfortable the first times, but when he realized it didn’t hurt he doesn’t even think of it. (At my next gyno exam they also said that the strings had tucked themself nicely around my cervix).

    You can also ask your gyno to cut the strings shorter. This helps for some people, my best friend included. The downside COULD be that instead of feeling the soft, bent (tucked in) strings, you could feel the sharp, poking edges of the cut strings. Which doesn’t sound nice. But, as many people have said, trimming the strings could also make them not noticeable. Also, shorter strings could mean more difficult to remove the spiral.

    Different things works for different bodies!

  25. My wife has an IUD. I can usually feel the strings. Sometimes the sensation isn’t positive or negative – it’s just a faint texture. Occasionally I’ll experience a stabbing pain. Not sure why – maybe variation in the position of the cervix, maybe variation in how our bodies are positioned.

    Overall, it’s not a problem for me at all.

  26. My boyfriend and other men have felt the strings. Not all the time or maybe they do/did and just don’t mention it. I have the Mirena not a copper one.

  27. I had to get the strings folded back or cut or something (this was like a decade ago lol) because my husband could feel them. After that it was fine.

  28. Hi

    I could feel it with an ex. It hurt me and her a lot. She changed back to the pill. Voluntarily. But she had no issues with it.

  29. An ex of mine could feel it and said it hurt him after awhile. I ended up getting it removed after 2 weeks because I also could feel.. How painful it was! It was so uncomfortable for me I couldn’t do it 🙁

  30. My ex in my previous relationship used the coil for a while (both types). I could definitely feel the strings although full disclaimer though that I’m of a longer length. It wasn’t really a problem at all – I didn’t personally find it bad like other here had. It was just there. She brought it up with the doctor and it turns out they can cut the strings on it in these sort of situations. It’s not really a problem

  31. Not exactly what you asked for but just for a note. My friend got pregnant even with a spiral….

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