I’ve been in a rough spot in the last few months emotionally. Met this girl like 2 months ago through some friends, we immediately started talking and became somewhat close. Constantly sharing memes, talking about everything and eventually I started to really like her.

She was on vacation like 2 weeks ago, we talked pretty much every night for an hour or two, told her i missed her and she said she misses me too. Everything was going great with her, really fun person to spend time with, especially since im someone who only has a handful of friends and can’t be bothered to deal with people.

I thought about asking her out one day but after like a few weeks of hanging out she mentioned she had a boyfriend and I didn’t want to be that person and ask her out while she is in a relationship. Never mentioned it to her but i’ve told her multiple times shes a great friend because whenever I asked her for anything she was always there for me.

Everything was fine until like 2 days ago, we haven’t really talked at all in these 2 days (which is unusual), she hasn’t sent any reels/tiktoks (which she usually sends like 15-20 a day to me), the ones I sent her she just left on seen.

We didn’t argue at all, nothing even happened between us, she just became sort of distant. Other than her becoming distant because she realised I liked her, i don’t know what else could have happened. Should I ask her if somethings wrong because she is acting distant?

tldr: friend who I like but is in a relationship suddenly became distant without any reason afaik

1 comment
  1. It’s possible that she became uncomfortable or sensed that you had feelings for her, and may be trying to distance herself to avoid any further romantic tension. Alternatively, she may be going through her own personal issues or struggles, causing her to be less communicative.

    It might be helpful to reach out and check in on her, but try to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for her boundaries. You can express concern for her well-being and ask if everything is okay, but make sure to avoid pressuring her or making assumptions about her behavior.

    Regardless of the outcome, it’s important to respect her relationship and the boundaries she has set. If it turns out that she needs space or doesn’t want to continue the friendship, it’s important to accept her decision gracefully and move on in a respectful manner

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