So here’s the thing, i’ve always considered the fact that i’m asexual because unlike everyone else at university, i’ve never been interested in sexual acts with others (i masturbate myself often however) but apart from this i’ve hardly has relationships (2 in my lifetime) hardly kissed and never done anything sexual with anyone. But recently i’ve considered trying to find someone to have sex with to confirm if i truly like it or not. But even if i got the courage to do this, i have no idea who to do it with? A random hookup? Someone i know?

  1. Best to do it with someone you feel most comfortable, safe, and trustworthy. There’s no pressure to ever try sex if you really don’t want to, but if you’re genuinely curious then it’s much better to do it with someone who has your best interest at heart too. Have heard many stories of regret regarding losing virginity through a hookup/ONS.

    Find someone you trust, communicate that it would be your first time, and even why you’re doing it if you’re comfortable enough explaining that. Someone who you trust and feel comfortable around is gonna make the experience so much less stressful/anxiety ridden and be much more enjoyable.

  2. never been interested in sexual acts, what is masturbation then? sounds like anxiety, i wouldn’t assign yourself a label you’re going to break.

  3. Sexuality is fluid. You dont have to limit yourself from experimenting in something you are curious about because people say if you are asexual you should never want to have sex. As long as you and your partner are of age and consenting, you shouldn’t worry about labels.

  4. Plenty of non ace people have terrible sexual experiences all the time. Odds are not in your favor trying to hook up with someone your aren’t attracted to, whether you are ace or not. Having a bad experience here won’t prove anything.

    There are also plenty of people that are more or less sexually dormant until they reach a certain point or meet a certain person.

    If you want to experiment with someone, start small and give yourself permission to figure absolutely nothing out and still love yourself.

  5. Random hookup would be the best way.. no need for connection with who ever it is.. its an experiment after all..

  6. Definitely with someone you trust…
    Take yer time to find one who will take it as slow as you’d like.

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