i got rejected 2 weeks ago. it hurts
ive mostly moved on but today i was thinking about her and still holding onto hope she’ll reach out to me eventually =(

just after some stories to feed my delusional.

  1. Yeah they were hitting on me, and wanted to go on a date – we never got to link up and then they hit me up to let me know that they reconnected with their ex-girlfriend. Then almost a year later they were back on my dick but I couldn’t be bothered. You’re better than that, if they don’t want you that’s their problem. ❤️

  2. They’re not coming back dude. Its 2 weeks she barely knows you and has decided she doesnt like you already. If this was a 5 year long relationship and you put in effort to improve yourself maybe. But 2 weeks? You need to find ways to handle rejection like this until you can date.

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