Maybe it’s the introvert in me but I feel bad there’s one guy I met from college that I don’t reply to his texts. I’m aware that probably sounds bad. So, we were friends back in 2015 during college. We would go out every so often for dinner and we got along at the time. We both were guy crazy and related so much to each other on that.

Overtime I found him to be weird. He always talked about politics and bullied people into not agreeing with his political view point. Also, at one point he was seeing this guy and I said that he’s cute and he said to me that I should join them for a threesome. I laughed it off but found the comment very strange.

After that I tried to continue hanging out with him and tried to better our friendship. But every time we hung out he would talk about guys from grinder or politics. We have the same political view point but it just got to be too much.

We both grew apart and I focused on work and my boyfriend. But now my friend from college would reach out every so often. I do text him but it just feels weird. He has mentioned hanging out but honestly I don’t want to. I don’t know what to do in this situation. Do I just keep texting him and delay hanging out as much as I can? But I can’t help to feel if I’m wrong for being closed off?

  1. Your friend is is orbiting hoping to hookup. He is bi which you should have picked up on with the threesome comment.

    I suggest you block him and go no contact if you want to stay in your current relationship.

  2. Why do people struggle with honesty these days? Is it so difficult?

    He asked you for a threesome and you don’t like his personality and general political conversation

    I’d think the threesome thing was enough?????

    Block his number if you don’t want to have the conversation

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