My grandmother was married for over 25 years and then my Grandfather died. She preceded to stay single for another 30 years. If this were you, what would you have done? Remarried or stayed single?

  1. I’m fucking something and I would hope my wife would go and fuck something too. Have you’re fun and orgasms don’t let my stupid ass death take that part of life away from you beloved.

  2. I was married for 20 years when my first wife died of cancer. I got remarried. Best decision of my life.

  3. Depends on my age. Was I 65 and lived till 95? If I was 65 I’d probably stay single because I’d assume I’d die soon.

  4. Remarry. If he was a good husband, he’d wanted me happy. If he wasn’t, he doesn’t deserve that I stay alone because of him.

  5. I’m either dying shortly after her, or finding someone else to spend time with. “Till death” is a pretty specific timeline.

  6. Shit, that would require I actually get married.
    Typically in my family we don’t remarry after a spouse dies unless there’s no children. It’s only happened rarely though.

  7. Personally I very known since early in my marriage that I would never do it again under any circumstances.

  8. I don’t do well with grief. If I was old, I probably wouldn’t remarry tbh. I’ve struggled hard with every breakup I’ve had.

    My grandpa died at 79, my grandma was 74. She didn’t remarry and has been single for the last 23 years.

    She tells me this constantly as reinforcement for “you need to get married, being alone is terrible”. I empathize wholeheartedly, but things are different these days.

  9. I’m already in my last relationship ever. We’re not married but we have been together for 10 years. If we break up tomorrow or she died tomorrow I’d be single the rest of my life.

  10. A marriage is a constant negotiation about every aspect of your life together. From how you arrange the fridge, who washes what, restaurants, movies, hobbies, friends, everything.

    It all depends if you have enough energy to work through these negotiatons.

  11. Wife died of cancer six months ago. Not in a rush to get remarried, but definitely will for the right person.

  12. I’d date, so technically not single, but likely never remarry. I’d actually prefer living separately, too.

  13. Well i’m at 11 years with my wife. at 25 years it would make me about 50.

    Would take a while to get over losing her so let’s say couple years before I would be in mindframe to date again. So 52-53.

    I wouldn’t stay single on purpose, but I also don’t think I would try as hard as I did to find someone when I was in my 20s.

    I know that’s still not that old but at that point I think I might just chill and be single unless fate put someone in my life.

  14. I was married for 28 years. I have been single for 15. I expect to remain single till I die. I did the marriage thing once. Never again.

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