I (17M) seem to only get attention from girls that are younger than me (~2 years younger) who try talking to me and impressing me and get nothing from people in my age range. I don’t want to date any of them because they are too young thats weird. But clueless as how to attract girls that are my age and would be fine dating. Any advice would be helpful.

  1. Are you hanging out around them or something? Usually people tend to like other people in the same hobbies and activities so if your hobbies or activities attract that crowd then that’s probably why

  2. The way I see it (I could be wrong): Younger Girls are simply more obvious with the signs that they are attracted to a man.

    For example, I’m 24 and I recall an instance where I was driving behind a school bus and the girls in the back where pointing smiling and taking pictures of me.

  3. Well this is something you’ll find commonly in life. I’m guessing to them you seem mature (which is a compliment). But yeah, definitely be careful with that.

    As a libertarian, I would say that there is an acceptable age gap there. I mean if you’re 17 and getting attention from someone that’s 15 or 16, I’d take up a relationship if you’re interested. I think the most important part is having an actual relationship – as long as you can accomplish that I’d say it’s okay.

    I’m guessing you are in school with these girls based on your age. That also takes an important part. If you’re in high school with someone or just recently graduated, that’s more acceptable. Once you start college or a career, that makes it weird for sure.

    You can find examples of this a lot later in life, women in their 20s hitting on guys in their 40s at the gym, stuff like that. It always starts with true dialogue though, if you can get that started.

    If you’re really looking for girls your age, I’d recommend trying to find out where people usually party (I went to multiple high schools, it happens everywhere). That or wherever the local hangout spot is. Just making friends and getting invited places.

  4. Dude this happened to me a ton when I was that age and I regret not having the balls to get with any of them because “they’re too young that’s weird”.

    Honestly A 2 year age gap is nothing. Younger women will always like older men and older men will always like younger women. That’s just life 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. If you’re only 17 those younger girls are within range for you. You don’t have to marry them, just date them. Then, when you’re older, you will have some experience.

  6. Lol you’re 17 dude. Those aren’t even women, they’re girls. And the 2 years is nothing.

  7. Wait until you 23 or even older and then date 21 year olds and marry one after you have fully vetted their character , 2 year’s age gap is small bro , the reason you are asking this is because you don’t want to called a pedophilie because 15 year olds want you I get that , tell them it’s not good thing that they are below 18 and don’t look them try to avoid any interaction with them if they can’t understand it .

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