I felt like I was falling for this girl, she was falling for me. Everything was great one night I felt like I needed her. She went quiet a bit I moved on to other girls for lust, then she came back should I answer her after being ignored or should I give in.

1 comment
  1. Answer, but answer *differently*. You need to give the image to her that you want her in your life but you can live without her. Pursue because you like her, but not that you can’t live without her. Date her not because you are desperate to do so, but because you like her well enough to do so.

    She needs to be on the edge of wondering if she’s going to lose you.

    So always be confident. Don’t show *too much vulnerability*, just enough to let her know that you’d miss her if she was gone. Never beg; never simp; when you get around to loving her, love her because it’s good for the both of you, not because you think it’s what she wants.

    Respond as a new and better man, and she’ll respect you for it.

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