As above, really. I need some inspiration and motivation to make more of the hour.

I’m assuming I don’t need to tag this NSFW but who knows with you lot 😋

  1. If it’s nice outside, I potter around the garden for a bit. Pull up a couple of weeds, deadhead a few summer pot plants, de-dogturd the lawn etc. Might have a sit as well.
    If it’s raining or cold, I usually read for about 20 mins instead.

  2. I only got to work from home for a couple of days in my last job whilst on a training course, but I was managing to clean up, make lunch and my evening meal and even squeeze in a bit of a nap some of the days

  3. Eat lunch, sometimes go for a walk, or go to the shops – often mixed with some fucking about on Reddit.

  4. Cook lunch. Eat it watching tv. Wash up. Walk the dog. That’s pretty much an hour there.

  5. I just make and eat my lunch and get straight back to work.

    Then I use that extra time as reason to justify finishing earlier in the day.

    If I’m working from home, I’m much better rested and don’t feel I need a proper break in the middle of the day.

  6. Back during Covid I figured out a 2.6 mile walk to try on my lunch break (and our once daily allowed exercise) – my challenge was to beat my time each day…

    …we all went a bit nutty during lockdown

  7. The wife and I usually watch an episode or two of whatever sitcom we’re watching (currently Scrubs). If she’s away I’ll watch one of my dramas (just about to finish Silo). But today, I took myself for lunch at a really nice Sichuan restaurant nearby (Yikouchi in Birmingham, which I highly recommend).

  8. Go for a run if the weather is ok and I have a weekly yoga class. Otherwise I do household stuff and sit on my arse.

  9. Yeah, either a wank or a cycle. Maybe both if I have time. Not at the same time, though.

  10. – play with my dogs
    – play Diablo 4
    – pester my wife (also wfh)

    No, “pester my wife” is not a euphemism for the old “in/out”…

  11. Make and eat lunch, chat to my husband and either listen to a podcast or watch something on YouTube.

  12. Workout…

    10 minutes cycling, press ups, squats. Only takes 20 minutes

    Fyi; I don’t like doing it, it’s hard work, I only do it on the off chance I don’t get cancer or die in a freak accident, so I can have a more mobile and healthy life in old age

  13. Watch YouTube, a movie or something else
    Go on my phone and text people or go for a walk after eating
    My work monitor is ridiculously big about the size of most well off family living room tvs
    Best pet is everyone in the office can see it
    Terrifier didn’t go down too well when I watched that

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