To be brief. I had anal with this girl I met on tinder
It was our first, tho I had many experiences before.
This girl which told me she loved it and looking forward more, suddenly called me saying she can’t do it next time cuz my cum caused inflammation in her ass 🤷 that sounds weird to me.

  1. I came in my ex wife’s ass once. She spent the rest of the night on the toilet and it disrupted her poop cycle for like a week. We never did it that way again.

    If she enjoyed it, but not the aftermath, and the reason is correct, you can just wear a condom. Any story that begins with “This girl I met on Tinder…” should involve a condom anyway.

  2. My brother are you going raw in the ass with Tinder hookups? Even bigger problem here.

  3. My boy raw doggin random poop chutes but curious why his drizzle is puffin up the pastry

  4. I had my guy cum in my ass. Didn’t have any negative effects during or after. Cant say she was lying. But it doesn’t happen to everyone.

  5. My ex’s semen causes inflammation in my pussy so it’s very possible. I just react to certain guys jizz maybe it’s something they’re taking or eating idk

  6. It’s probably not the semen. It’s probably having a dick shoved up her ass.

  7. Thinking she didn’t have enough lube. The ass doesn’t self lube. First time pegging and first anal sex we (my wife and I) made that mistake. Get a lube shooter and wear a condom. Chances are she won’t be inflamed. If this works then remove the condom. I’m betting with enough lube she won’t react.

  8. Inflammation just means something in the body is healing. Anal sex can cause trauma, like micro tears and fissures. So, even just the act of anal could cause inflammation – and tbh, it probably does in most, if not all cases. People just most likely have different levels of discomfort and tolerance for it. Also, certain things like how rough you are, or how much lube you use make a difference in how much trauma the body will endure.

    So, inflammation after anal sex is actually very normal. It may or may not be related to your cum. Hopefully it isn’t due to an STI. It could also be due to bacterial infection or imbalance. Linking some sources below for you to check out if you’re interested.

    I’d recommend getting tested if you haven’t already just to be on the safe side, and maybe checking out some sexual health resources so you can better understand the kinds of behavior you’re engaging in.


    Anorectal trauma. Proctitis can be caused by trauma to the anorectal area—which includes the rectum and anus—from anal sex or the insertion of objects or harmful substances into the rectum, including the chemicals in some enemas.

    Proctitis is an inflammation of the lining of the rectum. It has many causes, but sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the most common. Although proctitis is more common if you are having sex, it is possible to get it even if you have never had sex. Proctitis can often be cured with antibiotics.

  9. idk that the cum caused it. probably more likely your penis being shoved in there

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