I work 45-50 hours a week while my pregnant fiance is a stay at home mom with our 14mo old son and a little girl on the way. It seems like no matter how hard I try to do everything I can to make her life easier, she treats me like shit and accuses me of being unfaithful and not caring about how she feels or about her in general. When I get home from work she immediately goes to bed and I care for our son until his bed time, afterwards I pick up the house, cook supper to bring to her in bed, make sure she’s comfortable, bring her absolutely anything she asks for, and it seems like no matter what I do all she does is complain that she feels like garbage and accuses me of seeing other women and not caring about her at all. What can I do to help her realize that I do absolutely everything I’m capable of to make her life easier and understand that she makes me feel worthless?

1 comment
  1. Take a vacation and leave her alone at home for a week.

    She’s gonna feel bad, that’s prego hormones, but it’s also not healthy for her to take it out on you

    Are you seeing other woman? If this is true then you are the ah.

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