So me (19F) and my ex (24M) broke up about six months ago. It was not for such a serious reason, he just wanted to move out to study for a postgraduate and was really confused with what he wanted, and i felt like he didn’t want me anymore bc he wasn’t spending as much time with me as before, and he told me he just needed some time.

I couldn’t take feeling like that so i broke up with him, but what I couldn’t forsee was that breaking up with him was actually worse than “giving him some time”. I cried every day about three times a day for about 5 months, until I met another guy (21M) I got excited about. He turned out to be a little toxic and every time he disappointed me I just thought “my favorite ex would NEVER do that”, so I ended things with the guy.

I tried getting back with my favourite ex about 2 months after our breakup, but he told me he had been dating another girl for a couple weeks in the city he was about to move in (at the time he was staying at a friend’s house), even tho he ended up not moving there and came back to ATH shortly after, so i guess he’s not seeing her anymore.

So here’s the thing, in September I’m giving exams to study art in ATH, but I might pass in another city as well. In October I’ll know if I passed or not. Should i text him and try to get back with him if i get in art school or just try really hard to forget him?

Our relationship was great, he treated me really nice and I haven’t experienced such good treatment before. The sex was awesome, there were mutual feelings and I was really attracted to him, and I don’t know if I’ll ever meet someone so special again. What should I do?

  1. What I would do in such scenario is move on with my life. Especially if he’s with someone else right now. You have your whole life in front of you. You’ll definitely find someone worthy, who’ll treat you nice and with whom you’ll share your views and goals in life.

    Never limit yourself to just one person.

  2. If your relationship was great and you haven’t found someone as special, it might be worth reaching out to him and seeing if there’s still a chance for you two.

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