What is your biggest disappointment with society?

  1. That truly meaningful changes require more than a life time to manifest. It makes me sad to know that I will never see many of the things I dream about today.

  2. The way we Americans are so fucking selfish now.

    Previous generations cared about having good schools, clean environment, low crime, etc.

    Now it’s just “fuck the” fill in the blank people I don’t like.

  3. Seems like empathy is a rare trait nowadays. People are really enjoying laughing and dismissing others’ misery.

  4. Selfishness. It was always bad, but man COVID really allowed people to show their true colors. Like just being asked to follow simple rules to potentially save lives made people lose their minds.

  5. Vaginas are made to have children and breasts are made to feed them. What a scam.

  6. Every time I drive past a $5 million megachurch after spending all weekend sacrificing family time to write a grant proposal for <10% of that.

    If society invested as much in knowledge as it wastes on ignorance, we’d have colonies in multiple star systems by now.

  7. Nothing ever really changes.

    We abolished slavery! No we didn’t, we just moved it over there. We solved racism! No we didn’t, now its everywhere. No more wars! We just call them something else now.

    This is human nature. We’re stuck with it.

  8. Pandering and choosy lies – things like “body positivity” because unhealthily fat people with their fragile egos can’t handle the truth. Diversity being pushed at the cost of common sense and skills/merit (companies that considered diversity quotas). Band-aid solutions that ignore the real cause. Ignorance towards issues that have mostly male victims (homelessness, burnout, unemployment, substance abuse). That DNA tests arent’s a basic right – why can’t we have fathers as sure as possible that they’re the fathers? We have the tech, so why not equality in this?

  9. That it’s always someone else’s fault. No one has any sense of accountability or personal responsibility anymore

  10. Most people are idiots. I’ve lost faith in people in general. Some exceptions.

  11. Being hounded and looked down upon for having even moderate views about anything political in nature. Forget about leaning to the right or being conservative or religious, lol.

  12. How divided and selfish we have become. There’s a class war going on disguised as a culture war.

  13. I think the biggest issue we have is that we can’t help but hate one another. We can’t just accept other peoples different lifestyles, opinions, viewpoints or political stances without us getting on one another for it.. I am guilty of this too and it’s hard to remember that we’re all human beings trying to get through life without complications.

  14. I have a lot

    But the fact that people use “mid” as an insult and look down on average normal people

    Especially when statistically they’re also likely average

  15. For me it’s the phones, and everyone’s constant need to be buried in them. Watching people lately so zonked out on their phones is depressing. Watching them walk into traffic without even looking just paying zero attention, or walking into a public space and not even acknowledging people are there or that they might be in the way. The worst for me is walking into the lunch room at work and just seeing people staring at their phones and not saying a word to each other. Funny part is, despite being on the phone constantly, people are now terrified of phonecalls haha

  16. We still go to war, kids get blown to bits and blanked out of existence for someone’s utopia

  17. How nerdy communities are. At times it seems like people there didn’t gain much if any emotional intelligence past when they were teenagers. It’s just this catch 22 at times, even with healthy social skills. So many people seem to come in with a premade group of friends and just do not want to befriend anyone else. Not to mention how black and white they are with other people. Per example, someone like me has to be a prick because why else wouldn’t I have friends who like the nerdy stuff that I do? So many people seem eager to look for the worst in me or judge me before they even know me.

  18. How unwilling we are to work together for positive change. How easy it is to just check out and bitch and complain instead

  19. How we’ve completely trashed most native ecosystems outside of the mountains, deserts and rainforests

  20. The outsourcing of everything which leads to a society full of individuals who are no longer responsible for anything. This is done so excessively that individuals even get punished for trying to take responsibility.

  21. Religion ! I cannot begin to believe how ridiculous people have gotten with their religious beliefs and practices in this day and age ! And how in supposedly first world countries, they are allowing religious beliefs dictate policies.

  22. There’s a LOT about society that bothers me.

    To start with, COVID really brought out how nasty people are by nature. Over half the population “***at least in the US***” acted like they couldn’t be bothered to do something as simple as wear as make to grocery store or stand six feet apart within reason, simple things like that, people acted like you asking them sacrifice their first born. I went through a really dark period during COVID where I full on hated almost everyone because while I knew there were lots of shitty people out there, seeing it all front and center really shed some light on it all.

    Unrelated, but I also feel like narcissism has run rampant in the past ten or so years. I see a lot of videos of some generic looking conventionally attractive late teens/early 20’s influencer dancing like a buffoon in the middle of a shopping mall or a cross walk while someone films them to post on Tik-Tok or whatever. Than you also hear stories of these influencer types wanting free shit “***usually room and board***” at fancy hotels and then coping an attitude when they don’t get it.

    I don’t like wealth inequality to. I am not one to condemn the wealthy simply for being wealthy, but I don’t like that I still live in a state that has a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour which only about 50 cents more than I was making at first job I had at 14 years old TWENTY ONE YEARS AGO. The fact that these wealthy greedy out of touch politicians feel need to keep wages stagnant in the face of ever rising inflation is what gets me, these people that get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to in some instances literally sleep in congress.

  23. My biggest disappointment was when Reagan repealed the “Truth in Reporting act.”
    That allowed junk news and and cable “entertainment shows” that were designed to foment anger and fear.
    I remember when I could watch Walter Cronkite and KNOW he was giving me the facts and I could make up my own mind. Nowadays everybody cares more about eyes on the screen and pushing the agenda they are commanded.

  24. The major media outlets are simply mouthpieces for the powerful. I don’t trust anything written in the New York Times, Washington Post or broadcast on CNN. Lies, bias, factual omissions and to support a specific point of view.

  25. The destruction of the American Dream.

    Our parents sold our prosperity away for tacos and cheap plastic shit at Walmart.

  26. The lack of genuine support for men’s mental health and guys that are in a rut. Especially from a gender targetted perspective.

    As someone who’s gathered more data than myself put it on a recent interview,”If women are suffering, we ask how can we change society to help her? If men are suffering, we tell them to fix themselves to benefit the society”.

  27. For me, it’s the lack of patience.

    If i may address the entirety of the world for a sec; Can you all just take a breath? Most of us are already doing our best.

  28. Being completely hateful towards another group of people you don’t know in general, we as people never developed the ability to look at things factually we have developed a lot and technology, but not with ourselves

  29. Being built on fear and punishment always ruins it for me.

    We’ve stigmatized the perfectly sensible option to not want to take part and check out.

  30. That we’re divided into tinny little camps so we’re easily controlled BUT we cannot see it lol

    Like it so clear as day to me!

  31. Compassion is a token gesture, performed in small doses and in select circumstances. People who show it too much are considered obnoxious. At least in the US.

  32. How selfish and “independent” we’ve all become. Pretty sure we didn’t build the world to interact in the way we do today.

  33. We’re so infatuated with Identity politics that we brazenly categorize people on “our side” vs “their side,” which leaves no room for any compromise or progress.

    Also the “hot topics” of today are just a distraction from the real issues.

  34. It annoys me how divided everyone is on ***EVERYTHING***.
    I feel like this is the reason nothing can get done.
    If one side is for something.. the other side *HAS TO BE* 180 against. Bullshit.

  35. the lack of critical thinking skills and being able to identify misinformation and bias. mostly relating to politics and celebrities, seems relatively few people actually take the time to research topics and just repeat what they see in their social media feed. This trait just sows division and hatred because society has become a reflection of social media which is inherently more dramatic and argumentative than real life

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