Seems like lifting weights leads to bigger muscles, but not shapely or defined muscles…not sure how

  1. You need to lean bulk as opposed to dirty bulking. “Toned muscles” is just high muscle with low body fat percentage. If youve already got a decent amount of muscle, try cutting for a bit.

  2. diets need to be managed well, ur protein and carbs intake matters, ur liquid intake matters, the way u lift weights and what muscles are being stressed on in that process matters.

  3. Compound muscle movements such as squats, bench, squat into an overhead press, etc. Also higher reps at a lower weight at a slower pace.

  4. Taurine and weightlifting every other day (not every day). When muscle tears, it needs time to heal, hence leading to bigger more defined muscles

  5. You need a high enough ffmi for there to actually be any muscle to show and you need to be at a low enough fat percentage for it to show.

    Still if you’re muscular as fuck there will be some definition even at 20+% bodyfat ( a lot of you are sitting well above that ).

    I have some definition but not a lot at 23ish FFMI and 17-18% bf. Bicep vein baaaaarely coming through.

    My pro-tip for cutting is low-carb, high protein. It works wonders, but you will have to step back your volume in the gym.

  6. By sitting on your ass watching TV eating chips and cake. How the fuck don’t you know this working out and proper diet. Work the muscle groups you want to pop. Stay away from sugar, carbs and alcohol.

  7. Be on a calorie deficit go google figure out your maintenance calories then drop between 300-500 and do cardio fro 30 minutes 3 times while lifting and get a food scale and get my fitness pal on your phone your are going to have start tracking your calories there is no way around it. Don’t drop your calories to fast because then you will lose more muscle then your supposed too. I started my cut on February from 214 now I’m 195 slowly cutting to 178 not in a rush.

  8. Resistance machines, free weights, bit of cardio daily. Healthy eating to help reduce body fat. For definition (my mate is a bodybuilder) you have to reduce body fat percentages. This is why you have bulking phase and then the cut to reduce the bulk (muscle you have put on) to show off the muscular definition.

  9. Only from workout perspective, faster reps to failure with lighter weights.

  10. As others said, you need to be like 8% body fat to start seeing the nice definition, which is rather low.

    Plus the longer you lift the nicer they will look when you do cut weight.

    the problem arises that to gain muscles you need to eat more, to see the muscles you need to eat less.

    Which is why guys who lift tend to cut in the summer when they know their shirt will be off. Then bulk up a bit in the winter. Rinse/repeat to gain better defined bigger muscles

  11. Working out and dieting. The one two combination. Both are important, but strictly speaking diet would be more important

  12. more reps leads to more toned muscles, try using lighter weights and going for endurance rather than strength, the trade off is that your muscles won’t get as big but they will look better

  13. Reps are important for building definition. Push your max for a few reps to build strength, and then bring down the weight to something that you can comfortably do 20 or 30 reps with to build definition.

  14. more reps, change your diet

    if you’ve been lifting for a while, change things up and do something else calisthenics or boxing or dancing. Mix things up for a few months and then come back

  15. Get out of the gym, get a hard labouring job and use them. You get paid to work out and save the gym fees.

  16. Diet and reps. Also, you get bigger muscles from *rest* after soreness. Soreness is micro tears. When they heal you get bulk

  17. Do more reps or lighter weights. If you want to be strong increase your weights over time.

  18. High weight at low reps will build.
    Low weight at high reps will define.

    Definition, true definition shows with less fat and that’s all by diet.

  19. Work out for hypertrophy, eat clean, find a target goal and work towards that. Without knowing what your current stats are nobody can really tell you what to even try. Every person’s body responds different. But there are many tricks to loading water and cutting at specific intervals. As well as carb loading and restricting and what carbs when. Good luck! Shoot for 10% you’ll be more ripped than 95% of the population.

  20. Definition comes from being lean. I mean, you have to HAVE the muscles in teh first place, but there’s no special “shape” that makes them more defined. You just have to shed the layer of fat that’s hiding them.

  21. Body fat under 15 percent. Every percent below that is an order of magnitude more defined. The guys who get under 10 are usually on steroids or scrawnyand underweight.

  22. Definition is not a feature in muscles. They’re big or small. You’re not gonna get accidentally big by lifting. Go lift.

  23. Definition is going to 90% diet. A good start is cutting down on sugary drinks and foods. Start looking at serving sizes and fat content. No need to go crazy and only eat chicken and rice. But be smart about what your eating. Also baked chicken with some seasoned rice is a good lean meal.

  24. If you want definition you need to be lifting lighter amounts of weights and do a heck of a lot more repetitions. We use to call them burn outs.

    If you want strength and bulk you are working on heavier weight and lower reps.

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