Being old doesn’t mean one is immune to asking for advice, in a lot of cultures it’s assumed as disrespectful for young people to give advice to older people but today’s world is significantly different. Older men tend to be isolated more from society a lot and would very much need advice even if it’s from young people. So what advice would you like to give them?

  1. What a great question. I would say that you should be aware that is young guys are **always** watching you, looking for models for how we should be when we get to where you are now. Please take that responsibility seriously, and live in such a way that changes generations.

    This applies to me too, I need to make sure I live in such a way that teenagers who see me now are the 20 somethings that I want to live with in a decade.

  2. this goes for all old guys on job sites, WE DO NOT CARE HOW IT WAS DONE IN YOUR DAY. its 2023 we have forklifts, im going to use it

  3. Your knowledge and life experiences are very valuable for the younger generation seeking guidance. Please take good care of yourself and stay healthy so that you can live longer to be able to pass on/impart your wisdom to us young folks.

  4. The younger generations are on average far more educated and capable than older generations, due to how hyper-competitive and unempathetic the modern world has become. If you’re not aware of complacency and changing expectations, the younger generations will push you out of relevancy. They will also not bail out your retirement, if they can help it politically.

    Conversely it goes both ways, many of the younger generation will never have the chance for success.

  5. Younger men are starving for your guidance and you should provide it at every opportunity.

  6. Please stop acting like we’re trying to destroy traditional society.

    Most of our differences and disagreements just boil down to contrasting life experiences.

  7. Don’t ever give up on learning new things. I’ve parents in their 60’s who are crap with computers and internet, but they are still learning. My father as an example on past 5 years has learned to write and speak acceptable level English.

    A lot of older people just give up on new things because they don’t initially get it. It always takes effort to learn even if you’re young.

    Don’t become another old person who just shuts themselves off from new experiences in order to live within their four walls reminiscing of old days endlessly till the end.

  8. I get it, you’re old, your dick doesn’t work like it used to, your back hurts, and your wife hates you

    I don’t care.

    You act like an asshole I’m gonna treat you like an asshole. Respect your elders doesn’t mean you get away with being a cunt to everyone.

    The closer you are to the age at which you might need me to perform CPR on you the less you should be an asshole to me constantly but somehow a lot of you seem to do the opposite.

  9. Listen to the youth on certain issues and be open to changing your mind. Things change. 🙏🙏

  10. You don’t stop skateboarding because you get old, you get old because you stop skateboarding. (39m so I just barely make the cut)

  11. Look after yourself, some of you old guys are ok but hammering the booze, fags (not what you think Americans 👀) and having generally unhealthy lifestyles is robbing a lot of people of a vast expanse of life experience, skills and knowledge that would otherwise be about for a bit longer!

    You have something to offer, don’t just fade away.

  12. Just because we’re younger doesnt mean we are stupid. We are from different generations and we have different expectations. Just because you consider it stupid doesnt mean it is. Listen to younger generations and understand their issues rather than just ignoring them and saying “oh its a load of bs!”

  13. For the love of god please share your knowledge instead of assuming we know how to do something or say that we have to figure it out for ourselves. Soooo much time could be saved if you show me how to operate something or the technique you use. I want to learn! I want to get better! I want to get paid more! Teach me!

  14. Not eating isn’t going to make you lose weight. You have to eat but the right amount.

  15. Find something you love before you get to the point where you can’t be involved in it.

  16. The young attractive women with large breasts adding you on Facebook aren’t interested in dating you and there’s almost a 100% guarantee that it is infact another man you’re talking to.

    Do not make any financial transactions with them. Do not sign over your retirement fund. Do not give them any money. Do not buy them plane tickets. Do not give them passwords to your accounts.

    Infact. Do not even engage with them because they then will not leave you alone.

  17. Be open to new technologies without saying “Back in my days ___ was better”, you would be surprised of fast and efficient many things have become. I feel sorry for my grandparents that they’ve always (and still today) refused to learn about internet or streaming services considering they have learned how to use the phone, washing machine and TVs when they were the revolutionary technologies.

  18. 32 year old man here (core millennial). If I could share anything I’ve learned during my time on this planet it’s that age doesn’t always equate to wisdom and that learning is a lifelong endeavor. Never resign yourself to the idea that you simply shouldn’t pay attention to those your junior. I’ve spoken to some younger folks (college kids, early to mid-20s) who have some truly brilliant insights about the world around us and our culture. We will always be bound to some extent by the conventions of what our own generation deems acceptable, but having an open mind and flexibility can go quite a long way in considering humanity’s potential (and the limitations of our own views).

  19. Stop the assumption that you deserve respect even after you don’t deserve it. Have self respect and know what’s right and wrong , but just because you are older doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful and not get any backlash. In all honesty most people give respect until you give them a reason not to, or at least I do.

  20. Start listening to young people and change your advices accordingly. Times have changed and your experiences are vital to young men. But they are useless when its tailored to older times.

  21. Its ok to take a break and to allow yourself to be your inner child. Growing up doesn’t mean that you have to stop doing the little harmless things that make you happy and you don’t have to always be business business buisness

  22. I’m a doctor in my 20s. See a LOT of old people.

    Definitely keep learning things. Dementia can me stopped/reversed to some extent by keeping your brain active. Go take a random class, try something new.

    Don’t just retire and sit at home watching tv. That’s the worst thing u can do to yourself.

  23. If your becoming bitter about working a job or being in a particular situation because things outside of your control annoy you. Leave, you doing a disservice to yourself and the others around you, have some respect for everyone and find something else to do with your time. All you have to do in life is die and pay taxes, everything else is an option.

  24. Don’t start telling your life story to the janitor/maintenance unprompted. I don’t care, I want to get through my shift and go home. Make some friends to talk to.

  25. Don’t take life too serious. Yes be responsible but u don’t have to be stiff in life. Cuz when u get close to dying, ur gonna miss the amount of moments u didn’t let loose and have fun in certain things.

  26. Put your phone down.

    Our generation has learnt how harmful phones are to your mental health but all the older people in my family are soo soo addicted and I see how it ruins their day.

  27. Stop hitting on women 15-20+ years younger than you – especially in internet comment sections. It’s gross and no one likes it.

  28. You’re going to have to keep working as long you can because I am flailing and not saving or learning anything. Please give up on relationships as soon as what little sex drive you have relents.

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