I feel like i dont fit in… especially in high school is the worst im always alone i used to have so much friends but i pushed them away because i honestly felt like i wasn’t fitting in being around them. So i changed school for a year and next year i gotta go back to the school that i developed social anxiety … and honestly black people like judging other black people which is why i don’t feel comfortable around them yes i was being bullied in elementary for all kinds of stuff by my own race! I started seeing a psychiatrist last month and now im waiting to see a psychologist and a therapist to help me with those issues

  1. I’m not black but still a person of color and what you feel is absolutely valid. I will agree with you that black people tend to be judgmental, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, just them tryna see your vibe yk, but for sure it’s annoying. I’m a socially awkward person similar to your experience actually but I don’t get along with people who are different in races, not because I’m racist or something, just a different in morals and mindset (I’ve tried to be friends lol) . More so, I barely see people of my own culture and when I do, I don’t fit in much. So girly, I know it’s an odd feeling but what I usually do to cope up with that is finding hobbies or things in my life that I feel good about so I don’t put myself down just cuz I’m socially awkward haha

  2. You’re not black enough? Same… it’s not just you or your ethnicity. There is only one race, the human race.

  3. I totally understand. I don’t fit in with people of my ethnicity either. I hope you get to a point where you just don’t care and can stand up for yourself.

  4. I feel that way around most of the black people I meet. It’s not as bad in predominantly black spaces because the differences between our personalities are highlighted. For me it’s really that judgment of not being “black enough” I don’t like that. I’ve never liked how because I’m black I’m supposed to like certiain things, dress a certain way, speak a certain way. And get made fun of for liking different music than my black peers. I don’t think gangsters or trap life is cool/trendy, and I’m not a fan of sports. Of course it’s not all black people so if you’re encountering that just keep it pushing until you find your tribe.

  5. Depends of who you are dealing with and who are the people you hang out. Your experience is valid but personally I don’t think it’s because you don’t fit in with other black people.
    In my personal experience the only people who ever told me I wasn’t black enough were white people, or sometimes other poc’s, as they expected me to act in what they view is stereotypically black and have tastes aligned with those stereotypes.
    In general other black people never told me I wasn’t black enough or made fun of what I’m into, or made jokes because I have white friends. But the black people I chose to hang out with were generally more open minded and also confident in their blackness I would say.
    Unfortunately some black people have resigned to the stereotypes western culture has pushed on us and those are the same black people that will judge you for not following them. The black people that judge other black people is because they themselves are not confident in who they are.
    I could be wrong here but I would suggest that you become a bit more observant of other black people around your environment and you will find those that won’t judge you for the way you are and if anything will uplift you and embrace you for how you chose to carry yourself.
    Don’t hangout with someone just cause they are black, but hangout with them for personality traits that are compatible with you.

  6. I typically don’t fit in with African Americans, as they bully the most. I’m African and I fit in with Africans or Caribbeans or African Americans that are cultured. You’re not the only one though. I understand that I’m not African American, but that doesn’t make me less black. I enjoy a lot of things and I prefer black friends. It’s honestly their loss😉,*that’s why I tell myself*. I have really bad anxiety around them just from all the bullying and harassment. They are typically very judgmental and lack tolerance. They only like to see one type of black girl. Plus I’m dark skin with Afrocentric features. They hate that so much. It’s honestly sad. Don’t let you be quiet and soft spoken too. It’s sad.

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