A sibling of mine is constantly reminding me of all my mistakes, bad behavior, the way I pronounce words or other stuff. It’s so annoying.

Just a few examples:

Visiting relatives. Sibling lets our dog out (near a road non fenced yard) sitting beside door in a chair, I wanted to give him the leash because I was worried dog will run, but couldn’t reach him since somebody was standing in the doorway talking with relative (they ignored that I wanted outside). I say my sibling here’s the leash and toss it gently onto the armrest but accidentally hit siblings arm when the metal hook. He screamed “WTF? Are you stupid?!” Sorry I couldn’t reach…I went inside. Later they came up to me when I was taking with someone. “That was soooo unnecessary! Why did you throw that?!” I’m sorry this was not on purpose I couldn’t reach you, I was worried the dog will run “pfft”

At cinema. annoying teens behind where playing with their phones and loud talking (not even trying to wisper) I snapped! turned around, made a loud but short *SHH* . it may have been louder than I intended but I know from experience that if I’ve asked them to please be silent, they would have been loud talking and annoying on purpose. Anyway the 1 second me Shhing them took all to call me a psycho and whatever but they whispered after that. But not enough, my sibling gave me shit while and after the movie that it was soooo unreasonable. He’ll not let that live down for years! The following days he asked me if I’m still in a bad mood, if the movie was that bad that I was that pissed etc.

He gifted me something. Which wasn’t my style (it was his favorite brand) I never mentioned it and wouldn’t havedreamed of buying it. He said I could be honest if I don’t like it, and I said I don’t like it much. Well, he said “of course you don’t like you’re gift, when do you ever?!” I said it’s fine. I wore it once because it hurt so much, but this was nothing compared to the pain and shame my siblings gave me. He tells this story at every family gathering, but each time they add more stuff. He said my reaction was “wtf should I do with that shit!” I never said that.

He also did bad stuff to me but I never blame him or hold it over his head. He had a car accident once (not his fault) parents and I arrived while police was already there. I was really worried about him but the only thing he said to me was “why are you looking so stupid?!”
He also would throw a tantrum if my Christmas present was a bit more expensive than his. (I don’t care if he gets something that cost more as long as he’s happy) he’ll also act like nothing happened, will text me he loves me or such stuff but at the next chance he’ll warm up another story.

I’m so done. I can’t handle it anymore. Receiving gifts makes my anxious, I straight out lie now if like something. I’m scared to say something stupid or touch or do anything, or do nothing because than I’ll get scolded for “just standing there doing nothing”

1 comment
  1. Light him up.

    He is so eager to call you on all of your faults to the point where you’re getting a complex?

    Say something. Say anything. Punch him in the mouth.

    He does these things because you allow him to. Give him a reason to keep his trap shut.

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