I am very inexperienced dating anyone. I dated at age 18, married at age 21, and divorced at 29. I took 2-3 years to work on myself before started dating. I have to say that dating today is weird.

About 3 years ago, I found someone on Reddit. We live about an hour apart, but would spend every week or every other week together. I fell hard for her. She checked every single box plus a few I didn’t even know that I had.

Well, about a two months ago, we traveled together to Las Vegas. It was probably the best travel experience of my life. She seemed to really enjoy herself. We get back and everything seemed like before the trip but more secure in the relationship.

Well, about a month ago, I received a text that we shouldn’t see each other anymore noting that we are not a good fit. She texted that I didn’t do anything wrong and her feeling for me are unchanged.

I responded that I appreciated her letting me know. That she made the last 3 years, the best years of my life. That I’ll always love her and I’ll wait if she changes her mind.

I know the relationship is over. It sucks. It’s been a month. I just would like to know why the sudden change in the relationship and what I can do better as a person. We spent a week together on a trip across the country and then receive a single ending text. Now ghosting.

I guess I want to know if I should text back, asking how can I improve myself as a person or a potential date to others? I mean, I would understand if any communication hinted at negative feelings or if I goofed up something. I just don’t know.


TLDR – Spent 3 years in a relationship, ended via a single text, and now ghosted. I am asking whether I should ask what went wrong and how can I improve myself?

Any advice is appreciated.

  1. Let it be. You’ll never get closure or answers you’re looking for. It could have absolutely nothing to do with you and everything to do with her.

  2. You’re making the assumption that it was about you. My money is on someone else came back into her life.

    Ending it the way she did is her closing the door on any post-mortem discussions. It’s totally normal that you want to know if there was something you did, but that’s unlikely, IME. I will say that ending 3 year long relationship by text is a shitty thing to do, but it says more about *her* than you.

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