EDIT: He is very comfortable with this! My question is about if I should really do PIV sex for the first time ever while I’m on my period (like are vaginal muscles more relaxed or tense rn)? Also, I will be out of town for a few weeks after this so this is the last chance for a while.

Well… I’m 21F, recently met someone I REALLY like and am super attracted to and is my first time hooking up with someone and getting intimate with somebody that I’m not dating. I have a lot of sexual trauma that has prevented me from having PIV sex in my life so far (I also thought I was a lesbian for a bit so that too) and I’m more used to giving than receiving.
Anyways, we met for the first time two days ago and had a GREAT time together. We did a lot of stuff (I didn’t receive much because I didn’t feel like I was in the headspace for it) and I told him my whole thing about not having had PIV sex before with a man and needing to take it slow. He’s been totally okay with that.
I’m gonna see him tomorrow and I know we’ll do stuff again. And honestly, I really want to just do it with him. Not to make him happy, but because I want to. But now I’m on my period. Im usually horny on my period and I think more relaxed maybe because I’m using tampons regularly.
Do y’all think it’s a good idea to try having PIV sex for the first time while I’m on my period? And could you offer advice for it?

  1. it just depends if he’s comfortable with it. put down a towel or shower after some guys don’t care some do. ik they make the discs you can put in for no blood but he still might not want to

  2. Going to be honest here…

    Personally I don’t have a problem with a partner on her period, I can’t tell you that I am the same for all men. If you tell him and he is ok with it, you can go there. That being said, if you are able to wait a couple of days, this wouldn’t be an issue.

  3. Probably not the best idea as a first time overall because it just adds on top of already possible problems

  4. well, its going to make him less likely to go down on you or finger you which sucks, bc foreplay is good, but theres nothing wrong with period sex. just make sure you use a condom bc stds transfer easier when youre on your period

  5. Depending on where you are in your cycle, you might have extra lube, which never hurts and you know there’s already a lot of blood flow to the pelvis, and you might also be more sensitive, which could be good or bad. Some people find it helps with cramps, some find it makes them worse. If he’s into it and patient I can’t see there being a problem.

    Also sometimes having an orgasm can speed along the end of your cycle. The muscle contractions in the vagina during orgasm aren’t that different from the uterine contractions to push out the uterine lining that is your period!

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