I (21F) had sex for the first time last night. It was overall a good experience; the guy listened to me and was very sweet and gentle when I asked (bare minimum, I know). Down to the questions though.

– I’m still bleeding slightly almost 12 hours later. Is that normal?
– should the opening of my vagina look any different? When I pull the labia back to look at the vaginal opening, there are these two small bits of skin that are slightly bulbous that I’ve never noticed before and they’re slightly tender to touch. Is that normal? Is that the traded hymen everyone talks about?
– what else can I expect now? We used a condom btw; practice safe sex y’all.

Thanks <3

  1. Bleeding suggests (obviously) that you have a hint of a bleeding wound of some kind. Which COULD be from a hymen tear. In that case it’s typically not dangerous, just incredibly annoying.

    It’s…more or less the amount of that indicates if it’s dangerous or not, or rather if the amount goes down any.

    The actual position of the bleeding can also be an indicator. If it’s very close to the opening or further in.

    If you try to put words on the tenderness there, is it far in or right around the opening? Does it feel like a wound or more like chafing?

  2. Glad to hear it was a good experience! One thing I did not know for my first time was… peeing after sex. I got a UTI the day after and it lasted 2 weeks. It was so painful and it constantly felt like I needed to pee, but when I’d try barely anything would come out and it would sting so bad.

    Not everybody gets UTIs if they don’t pee afterwards, but something to be aware of just in case!

  3. Bleeding is normal, but rather it depends on how much bleeding is what’s going to determine. Is it decreasing, and how much is it? It will likely bleed for a few days but should only be a little bit or spotting.

    Pain is also normal. Just as long as it’s bearable. I still get pain when I’ve had rougher sex usually more internal. It kinda feels like a tear, or scrape .. dry even, and sore. Sometimes it will burn when urinating if the injury is on the outside. Those are all pretty normal.

    Also the bits you see around your vulva, are likely just parts of your hymen. They usually will go away.

    Severe pain and bleeding is what should be watched for.

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