You guys are probably thinking “why the fuck is this guy asking for advice if she hasn’t texted back” the clear image here is she is uninterested, which I am okay with. No big deal. I am just simply confused.

A few weeks ago I (23m) met a girl (22f) while working at a photography gig. She kept giving me signals all evening implying that she was in to me (looking my way, smiling, etc) I was to focused working so I just didn’t think much of it. Fast forward a few hours and she taps me from behind and starts chatting with me. Next thing you know she asks me for my number, and we ended up chatting for a good 30 minutes while I was taking a break. After that, we say bye and that is that.

After a day went past, I texted her. I planned a cute first date for us to go to, she exclaimed that she was extremely ecstatic, couldn’t wait, and was generally just acting very interested over text. I took her out on this first date, we went to a “Paint and Sip” where we had a great time sipping on wine, painting, and just chatting it up! After that painting class was over and our canvases were looking mint, we went and got some frozen yogurt and talked even more. We then proceeded to drive around for another 3 hours and talk even more. The night ended great, in fact, the whole night was a blast!

When we went our separate ways, we both texted each other when we got home. She was extremely thankful and expressed that she had a great time and that we should plan a second one. I basically had the same vibe as her.


The next morning I texted her good morning and stuff. And I saw a tik tok, where this guy gets out of his multimillion dollar car, in his garage sourrounded by other multimillion dollar cars. And he walks into his massive house where his little toddler of a son meets him. [Here]( is the link.

I sent this to her with a text saying “to paint a picture of my dream life, this is it lol” you may ask, “why the fuck did he send her this” and that previous night, when we went on our first date, we talked a lot about cars and houses and goals and stuff. I am not quite sure if we talked about family or not, but she’s a damn 1st grade teacher, she loves kids. And when I sent that I was being honest, I’m only 23, I’m not chasing a marriage or anything, that’s simply just the end goal. I have no idea how old I’ll be when I get there, I just shared it to try to show like why I’m on the grind, why I work so hard, and that one day, I’ll have a very cool family, a big ass house and sick cars😂. I did not mean to insinuate that I was trying to get married pronto. And maybe she didn’t take it that way.

After I sent that, she hearted it and said “that is so precious” (I could very well be overthinking this) and we texted for a bit planning our second date which is taking place on august 12th. We were consistently texting back and forth picking a date to go on a day trip to a national park. On Monday (the next day) she just didn’t really text back. Maybe 1 text on Monday, then she didn’t text back till Wednesday, now it’s Friday and nothing. (Granted I have not been the perfect texter either)

No clue why she would just go distant like that. I do have a few ideas

1. She is a school teacher and the school year literally started this last week, her text on Wednesday consisted of a apology for not texting back she apologized and explained how busy it was

2. She’s not interested

3. She told me during our first day that she is a bad texter (maybe she really is)

I never double texted or made it seem overbearing. I never responded fast, I kept it really chill, simply repecting her time.

What do you guys think is going on? Have any tips for what I should do? Thanks!

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