My (30f) ex fiancé (31m) was acting shady after new job. A couple months in he suggest taking a break, but I was suspicious and said we need to work on things together or break up. We still live together and there was a piece of paper next to his things. I picked it up while cleaning the room and saw it was a note from another girl. I posted the note on a Facebook page asking who the girl is.
She reached out to me and said they have been talking since he started working there and had no idea about me. She dumped him and he’s mad at me for going public.

I feel rejected and this is my first “adult” relationship where I feel betrayed. I want to get back at him and hook up with someone out of revenge. I know I should drop the drama but I want that feeling of being “wanted”. For people who have been cheated on, how long did you wait to hook up with someone else? Does it help with your confidence?

  1. They do say that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

    Walk away from that cheater and live your best life girl

  2. Don’t stoop to his level trying to “get back at him”. Just exit this relationship asap. If you try to get even, once you are done, you will still know that you did it out of spite and he did it out of choice. It will still hurt you more than you realize. Eject from this relationship.

  3. Revenge is not the answer and will not bring you what you want.

    Take time to feel your feelings and date someone when you are ready and want to date them. There is no “revenge” in this situation. Don’t use another person in an attempt to hurt someone else—that’s not going to make you feel better.

  4. Been cheated on, thankfully (no offence) I wasn’t as deep as a fiancé status with her. Still hurt like hell. Wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone, so I’m really sorry.

    Revenge sex really won’t help. It’ll feel good in the moment but you’ll likely feel like shit after. For me, my form of revenge was being unrecognizable to her. I was always a gym rat but I took it to a whole new level and got in incredible shape. I started devoting far more time to my job and got a promotion, making significantly more money. I matured greatly. I just became a better version of myself in every way, IMO. You know what they say about heartbreak. Great teacher.

    I remember seeing her a year later at the beach and her jaw literally dropped. You know where you try to mask an emotion but your brain has already outed you? It was like that, and THAT was an amazing form of revenge. Make them regret ever doing something that caused you to walk.

  5. Send me location, I’ll help you get over him!

    J/k…. You go find whoever you want in order to feel better and get your revenge…. You already put your business out on Facebook so might as well keep going

  6. The best revenge is living your best life and showing the ex that you do not need them to be successful or happy.

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