What challenges have you faced? What are some often not spoken about challenges men face when they are seeking romance?

  1. The double edged sword of being expected to make the first move but at the same time not being aggressive.

  2. That:

    We must be swift as the coursing river
    (Be a man)

    With all the force of a great typhoon
    (Be a man)

    With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

  3. Working on equipment with not enough instrumentation to tell you if it’s starting to run cold, if there’s any internal issues, or even what gear it’s in.

  4. Mountains of rejection. I’ve had some extremely hostile rejections even though my usual response is “ok” and leave them alone.

    So many cheaters. But cheated on about 75% of the time.

    It’s expensive as hell.

    Women seem to be broken into two groups. One so quiet and submissive you can’t get any input from them. The other being overly aggressive and doesn’t care about my input at all.

  5. When we’re down, we’re out.

    Men need confidence and self esteem to attract a partner.

    Post-breakup, it means we often stay lonely, whereas women generally can just pick from the guys approaching them to fill the void.

  6. From a man who has seen lots of cis-het male relationships:

    Men are judged by what they can offer.

    Women aren’t immune from cheating unlike popular media portrays. They are more likely to play it off or get help from friends to cover it up. Men get busted because women catch them in a lie or someone rats them out, women help other women cheat.

    Women say they want you to be vulnerable and open about your feelings, but either the first argument that rolls around they will use it against you or tell all their friends.

    Men constantly have to make up for female insecurities.

    Women will expect men to get a million dollar plus life insurance policy, but when we want them to do the same or refuse they get offended.

    Some people seem to want to be married to check off a box. They don’t care if it’s being married to you or some other schmuck. These are the women who will bail and take the kids when the going gets tough.

    There is a limit to how you can express anger and frustration. Women can go crazy, throw things, hit you, threaten to kill you; but if you raise your voice or try to defend yourself they will label you an abuser.

    A scorned woman will go to any lengths to hurt you. Protect yourself by having a neutral third party present when breaking up and moving out.

    After retirement age everyone treats you as useless. See point number 1.

  7. Expected to make the first move, and all other moves after that.

    Emotional support close to non-existent, as if we don’t like random hugs too, without sex necessarily coming after (this one came with age. Early young horny me wouldn’t cuddle or hug without expecting sex after, nowadays sometimes I’d rather just cuddle).

  8. Honestly?

    While I’m actually pretty good in the sack now if I do say so myself, starting out was rough.

    Women expected me to know how to get them off when I was younger, when they themselves didn’t know and couldn’t communicate to me how to do it.

    I mean fastfoward 10 relationships later and I’m a master, but the irony of expecting men to know your body better than you yourself do is *hilariously* stupid. 🤣

    I’m in a terrific and loving relationship now with a beautiful woman, so thinking back on those younger days with downright dumb/selfish women makes me laugh.

    When we’re young, we don’t realize we’re being mistreated and often blame ourselves. My confidence took hits for years.

  9. Just an average Joe here but here goes.

    Men are insane.

    One of the main objectives of a romantic relationship is towards marriage in most cases. Marriage that has a 56% chance of failure, divorce. That 84% of divorced people who remarry within five years.

    That unless he has a prenup agreement (mine, yours and ours) in place that he stands to lose a great deal of money in a divorce. Regardless of the reason in a no fault state.

    He is under social pressure, as well as the woman, to get married. Even given the odds of failure and heartbreak and loss of time and plans for a future together. Further complications if children are involved forcing him into a lifetime relationship to his ex.

    So there is the Catch-22.

    His dream of a family and a loving partner for life. In spite of the broken home marriage statistics. In an society that is anti men, where infidelity acceptance is commonplace if not encouraged, courts and laws biased toward the women over the men. With all of that he walks a tight rope when dating.

    In his search for the mother of his children and a partner in their dreams to death do they part, he ventures out learning as he goes. Often mistaking lust for love and pouring his heart out into a relationship only to be disappointed. He is often clueless about communication, commitment and love.

    To the outside observer a person undertaking such journey is insane.

    Such is a man’s heart and mind when comes to love. He is willing to sacrifice his future, his friends and dreams for his wife and family. In some cases, even his life to protect them from harm.

    Men like this are truly insane, by definition, but I am honored to be counted in their ranks.

  10. This question is just short of “life seems complex, can you guys explain it?”

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