What is something that’s happened to you that the odds of it happening are astronomical, like winning the lottery but not in strictly a financial sense.

For me it was when a wrestling promotion used the hotel I work at as a base of operations for the majority their 2021 season, I work overnights and of course that was the shift they were most active on as they usually had events into the late evening hours. I was on a first name basis with everyone from their tops stars to the owner, for 6 months straight, every week, absolute former/current and future legends, giving me fist bumps and making small talk, it dawned on me recently that that will never happen to anyone else probably ever since their bread and butter is touring, which they couldn’t due to CoVid, that’s my once in a lifetime, my billion to one.

What’s yours??

  1. Won a vintage racing bike, double as old as I am but sturdy and trustworthy.

  2. I may have seen the Meteor that hit Russia back in 2013. It not have been exactly the one that hit but I seen a big shooting star from the California, it was night time in Cali maybe 1 am. . I don’t watch TV so I didn’t know about it hitting Russia till a week later. Oh and another Meteor disintegrating close by to me while I was hiking through Yosemite. We are talking about maybe 4 story high. Meteor popped twice very cool greenish and blueish color.

  3. Went to Vegas for a friend’s wedding. We were waiting at the Rio iirc for everyone to show up. I was bored threw a 20 in a machine close to the entrance made 3200 and cashed out. The wife did the same thing at the machine next to mine and won 2800. It was a good time.

  4. During my days in Japan I went searching for Hachiko hotspots in Tokyo and after the statue at Shibuya station and the actual dog in the museum, I went to the university of Tokyo to find the statue that reunites him with his owner. And while taking pictures of the statue a security guard walked up to me. Stereotypical old Asian guy you’d only find in kungfu movies. “Hachiko finally found his owner” he said to me. I responded “Yeah it’s a beautiful story. I love it” I said. And then he went “I wasn’t talking about the professor, I was talking about you”

    Idk WHAT he meant and idk what he smoked that day, but it was pretty cool and he gave me this kinda dog-amulet. I like to think the guy saw me as a reincarnation of the professor or something.. that would explain my love for dogs.. but idk if I believe that. Thought it was pretty cool and random tho

  5. Went to McD ,stepped out of the car,looked under my feet and there is 60$ (50+10$ bills) that wing blew against my feet. Cool. Shopping money.

  6. My literature teacher confessed she wants to fuck me. And invited me to her home when her husband was doing night shift in the morgue. Rest is history

  7. Went to Japan on a tourist visa.

    Met a karate master who offered to teach me. I said “OK”.

    Stayed in Japan, learned karate, married a hot japanese girl and bought an apartment in Tokyo.

  8. I worked on a trading desk. We had a private, non-public phone number. I got hundreds of calls a day. One day, a radio station called and asked me some random question. I got the answer and won $1,000. They replayed the clip on air for the rest of the day.

  9. I was in DC on a hot summer day, I was stopped at a light. I’m the only car at this big four lane intersection, the walk light changed and this beautiful girl in white pants and a tight red top with spaghetti straps starts walking across the street walking toward me. I can see her nipples poking through the fabric, as she is walking, her boobs start to swing a little. She has a purse in one hand and papers in the other and just as she hits the halfway point of the intersection the spaghetti straps let loose, and her boobs are free and in the wind, and she does not even notice right away, and keeps walking till she is about ten feet away from me staring at her naked boobs and realize what happened and tries to cover up, but she has stuff in her hands and can’t get covered. It was funny.

  10. Went to hang with some friends on the beach when I lived in Hawaii. We ended up eating shrooms and having just the best night, and then a fucking meteor shower was happening. We honestly thought it might have been part of the shrooming when it was going on, but it was all real and felt like the perfect magical endcap on my time there.

  11. Found a 5 Dolla Dolla bill in the escalator once and some old dude was like nah man you keep it and I was like fucking what really and I bought a Digimon toy and it was the best day of my life

  12. I went to this one meetup that a radio station I listen to had. I met one of the hosts from the morning show and he hooked me up with free stuff. I entered raffles to win concert tickets and I never win those but I won concert tickets to see Bleachers at the Aragon, the host bought me a beer after I won the tickets. The host is a super good guy.

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