How do you know your jealousy is going to far in a relationship?

  1. It depends on the situation. I had a problem with jealousy in my last relationship but it wasn’t really my fault. My ex was very flirtatious with other women. He claimed it was just his personality but I still felt it was disrespectful and it made me feel insecure and paranoid. We eventually broke up because I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I didn’t want to be with someone that made me feel that way.

  2. I have an ex who would from time to time show that he had jealousy issues when there was nothing to worry about. One time I picked up my phone after getting a text and he said “Who’s that? Your other boyfriend?”. He would say stuff “kidding” that I could tell wasn’t so sarcastic if you read between the lines because he kept bringing it up. He even randomly said he wouldn’t be mad if I cheated on him with a girl but would be with a guy (weird, I know).

    So yeah, when it gets in the way of having a healthy relationship, it becomes a problem.

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